You Gotta Love Running For Money!

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Has the popular boy band One Direction gone missing again? They were last spotted at South Dakota with two lucky teen girls. Management is waiting to send out the search patrol hoping the mysterious boys will show up before the first show of their Take Me Home Tour begins in Alabama.

Savannah's POV

The restaurant suddenly became quiet. One last burger was thrown. I looked around. Standing in the middle of the sea of people stood the manager. I lowered my head ready for the scolding, but instead he quietly came over and held out his hands. All seven of us took off our hats and aprons and walked briskly out the door. Before leaving he handed us the small portion of money. We each got $35. We would probably would have enough. 

"Way to go boys..."I said quietly.

"Well I'm sorry we can't be perfect," Harry said, obviously angry.

"Do you guys think this is some kind of game? Trying to get home? Because it sometimes seems like it..." I spit out, but I immediately regretted it.

I wiped my tears without ever realizing I was crying. "Sorry," I mumbled.

We walked awhile in silence. When we made it to the subway station, we read the signs. We were in Huntsville, Oklahoma. We were a long way from Alabama. I was also a little confused why they had a subway in this unknown city. The tickets would cost about fifty dollars each if  we were going to ride the subway out of the city. I sighed.

"Look!" Niall gestured to a poster that read Fun Run! Come to the North Park where a small race will be held. Admission is free. Winner will win 500 dollars!

"Why would someone give away 500 dollars for free?" Kimmy asked.

She's right it did sound a little fishy, but hey we need that money. 

"Let's go! It will start in like 20 minutes!" Niall exclaimed.

I looked outside the sun was starting to set in. It was probably mid-day and it was going to be a hot day.

"You're all on!" Kimmy said winking running outside the station. 

I shook my head and followed her. 

Harry's POV

When we arrived, we were handed each a number. I mainly focused on Savannah's number 2930. My number was 2949. We were told how the rules worked. I was zoning out during the speech. All of a sudden there was a bang and people started to charge forward. My eyes widened. The race had started. I started off with a steady jog. I followed the orange cones set around the path.

After about 20 minutes of the race, I was dying from the heat. I had to slow down and catch my breath. I grabbed my stomach. I've never felt so nausea in my life. The trees in front of me looked like they were dancing. i had to win this race though, I had to win it for Savannah. I took a deep breath and started up my uneven pace of jogging.

"Hey Harry!" I turned my head to see Kimmy next to me. "Nice weather huh?" She giggled at her remark and jogged ahead of me. Her pace was much more even than mine. She was obviously involved in many sports. 

After another 20 minutes, I was wheezing. I really needed to go on a diet or start exercising or something.

Stranded With One Direction...AGAIN? (Sequel to Stranded With One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now