Hello McGorgeous!

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Harry's POV

"Listen I don't do this quite often, but I'll let you all have a job. I don't know why I'm letting you. You all have that sparkle in the eye so here you go."

This goes to show how easy it can be to get myself a job...well at McDonalds. The manager led us around then told us what we would be working. I would be taking orders. Savannah would be making fries. Liam would be wrapping and in charge of getting the orders prepared. Louis and Niall would be cashiers. Zayn and Kimmy would be making burgers.

"Your shifts will end at one."

I looked at the clock. It was eight at night. We got paid about five dollars an hour each. I'm not one for mental math. That would be forty dollars in this one night since we are planning to leave in the morning. That may be just enough for a ticket on the subway to get us out of here. We put on our aprons and hats. I was handed my microphone thing to receive the orders from the customers in the drive-thru.

But nothing started happening until lunch hour.

Savannah's POV

I slapped another bag of french fries into the frier. So far we only got paid twenty dollars. I can't believe some people have to do this for a living. I had a job before. I was a lifeguard. I had only done it for the summer to save up for my new phone though, but it was much better than having to work at  McDonalds and it was a better pay.


I looked up. 

If I was to describe this boy's eyes in one word it would be gorgeous. I've never seen eyes quite like his before. They were a deep ocean blue. He wasn't bad looking himself either. I turned away knowing I'd just checked him out. I tried thinking of a quick and slightly flirtatious reply. 'Hey big boy!' 'Hey did it hurt? Ya know when you fell from heaven.' 'Hello McGorgeous!' But instead I went with something a little simple, "Hi."

"I'm Brandon. I'm guessing you're new here?"

I nodded. "I'm Savannah."

"You know what is worse than working at McDonald's I hear?"

I shook my head 'no'.

"Well working for Krusties as a bathroom cleaner."

I laughed and brought out the now cooked to perfection fries. To the customer who is about to eat these fries you are welcome. Krusties is this horrible food change restaurant. Some of it's meals are so bad they have you running to the bathroom in a matter of 5-10 minutes.

Harry's POV

"Yeah and would you like some fries with that?" I asked. The lady responded with a no. I tallied up her order and pinned it on the rack. I was astonished at what I saw. There was another lad chatting it up with Savannah. Just then Savannah laughed and my jealousy rose. I set my microphone down. There was only one other person in this restaurant that I knew would help me get that guy away from Savannah.

"There's a man flirting with Savannah," I said.

"This matters why?" Liam asked.

"Aren't you jealous?" I asked.

Liam looked away. 

"Listen I know you aren't happy about it and I know you like Savannah so why don't we team up and save her from that douche." This seemed to convince Liam before I knew it we were coming up with a plan.

Liam's POV

 We walked over to the man. 

"Hey..." I glanced at his name tag, "Brandon..um.."

I took the burger from behind my back and nailed him right in the face. Everyone fell dead silence.

"FOOD FIGHT!" A kid in the line screamed.

Everyone picked up their food and started throwing it at each other. Waves of drinks, burgers, fries, burritos, wraps, and salads were flying everywhere. People started filming it with their phones. Some people even took cover to eat their food underneath the tables. 

Back here in the work area there was even food flying. I had to duck to miss the drink that was thrown at me by Brandon. Harry walked up behind Brandon and poured a milkshake right over Brandon's head. 

Yep this was definitely worth five dollars an hour.


Hello my amazingness!

I missed you all. Too be honest I had writers block for awhile, but now I'm back on track!

Look on the side for a clue to the next chapter!

- Jessica xoxo 

Stranded With One Direction...AGAIN? (Sequel to Stranded With One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now