Apparently Mango Is My Color

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  • Dedicated to To A New Start!(:

Savannah's POV

"Please tell me exactly what happened again?" begged Kimmy, propping herself up on her elbows. I rolled my eyes at her childishness. 

"Kimmy, I've already told you the story like twenty times! Don't you get tired of it?" I plopped myself down on a bean bag in the corner of my zebra print room. I am serious when I say that I wouldn't be surprised if I found a real life zebra hiding out in here.

"Fine, but will you at least tell me about your first kiss with Liam and your first kiss with Harry?" She sighed imagining what it could be like.

"Fine!" I laid down on my bed with my face facing the ceiling.

"Well, Liam was apologizing for admitting he liked me and we kinda just click-"

"No no no! You have to give me all the details!" Kimmy exclaimed, giggling at my pink face.

"Okay so Liam was apologizing for admitting that he liked me and he just wouldn't give up on saying he was sorry and I was trying to get him to stop. Then we kinda just leaned in and the kiss happened," I replied.

"How sweet!" Kimmy said while ruffling my hair. I rolled my eyes. "Now for Harry's kiss!"

"Why do I have to tell these things to you? You already know what happened!" I pouted.

"Because I like seeing you turn pink," Kimmy answered, pinching my cheek which made me turn redder.

"I hate you!" I clenched my fists.

"Love ya too, Savannah!" Kimmy laughed. "Now on with the story!"

"You're a pain in the butt," I groaned.

"Are you girls coming to try on dresses?" My sister, Jasmine, asked while popping her head in my doorway. We nodded eagerly and got up. I slipped on my converse and hurried out to the car with Kimmy trailing behind me. I got into the car and we started our drive to the dress shop to pick out bridesmaid dresses for Jasmine's wedding.

I rested my head against the car window. Images of tan and gray buildings blurred together with trees. After I got home, the paparazzi would swarm my house every day. They asked me very rude and  absurd  questions. Also at school I began to gain attention from many people. It's funny. You know how people want to be your friend only when something bad happens to you or something great happens to you. As you can imagineI did not keep in touch with them.

Suddenly the rumors started. They said I was a whore or a slut. Going home and crying every day would be an understatement. Soon everything just stopped. The rumors. The paparazzi. The attention. Finally, I was left alone to my regular life and that is what I enjoy. The only thing that stirred things up a bit in the pap was when Liam mentioned me in an interview.

I exited the car and entered the small, quaint shop. The outside sign was painted a pastel purple and read 'Dresses & More'. There were only a few other bridesmaids with us. Those included me, Kimmy, our cousin Sasha, and Riley who is a close family friend. I practically had to beg Jasmine to let Kimmy be a bridesmaid and she eventually gave in.

"Hello," A petite lady greeted us, "what kinds of dresses will you be looking for today?"

"Hi, um, I kinda want something short, but not too short with a sweetheart neckline," Jasmine replied.

"Okay, I'll be right back!" The lady rushed into the back and came back shortly with a couple dresses similar to what Jasmine described. Kimmy, a couple other girls, and I tried on a couple dresses. None of them looked right on any of us. Until I came out in this hideous colored orange dress. It had a cute style it was just an ugly color. The lady watched me walk out in it.

"Oh my! I don't say this too often but that looks gorgeous on her!" The lady exclaimed. I gave her a thankful smile.

"Wow! That does look great on you, Savannah!" My sister exclaimed.

I took a look in the mirror. It wasn't bad, I guess. The ugly mango shade reminded me of the S.S. Mango's clothes that they supplied us with. The dress looked frumpy in some parts but could easily be tailored to fit me right.

"Maybe mango is your color," Kimmy laughed, referring to the island stories I would tell her.

I rolled my eyes.

"What do you think Savannah? I don't want to get you anything you don't want to wear," Jasmine asked.


Liam's POV

I dragged my feet across the sidewalk. I smiled for pictures, but I really just wanted to get this done and over with.

"You alright, lad?" Zayn asked me.

I nodded and kept walking. I looked over at a hot dog stand and saw a girl with blonde hair. Was that Savannah? She turned around. Nope. It wasn't even a girl. It was a man with a blonde wig. Why is South Dakota so weird? I peered into a nearby dress shop. There was a bride and a bridal group trying on dresses. I smiled at the thought of someone finding their soul mate. That's when I realized how much I missed Savannah. One of the girls was wearing a shade of orange dress. It fit her well. I hope that she got that one. The girl turned around. My heart literally stopped. It was Savannah. All the boys stopped and looked towards the direction I was looking. Harry's mouth dropped. Niall jumped in the air to celebrate. Louis started running toward the store. Zayn smiled widely. We all followed Louis to the store. South Dakota isn't that bad I guess.


Savannah's POV

I kept adjusting the dress and looking at it.

"Sure! I'll take it!" I said smiling.

I turned around and I froze. Outside the window, with a few screaming girls stood the boys. I really thought my life was back to normal, but I guess not.

Hmmm...maybe mango really is my color. I mean lucky stuff always happens when I wear it. I got home while wearing the S.S. Mango clothes. And now it brought me back to the boys. Maybe I should start wearing mango more often.


Hey amazingness!

YAYYYYYY! OMG! I am so excited for this book! I hope you all enjoy it! Okay so this book is going to be told in Harry's POV, Liam's POV, and Savannah's POV.

I hope you all enjoy this book as much as I think you will!(:

'Little Things' is Perfection. It was like written for me lol. That is Kimmy on the side! >>>>>

I hope all of you keep safe!<3

- Jessica xoxo

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