Little Stephanie's Goodies...I Don't Recommend It

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Savannah's POV

"I'm sorry we couldn't hold them any longer!" Kimmy exclaimed.

Sure enough the doors bursted open and out came two police men. They were running down the halls to us.

"Hop on!" Zayn cried. I hopped onto Liam's car and Harry hopped on top of Zayn's car. With one great push Liam and I were flying down the hall. I gripped tight to the rof of the car. Behind us I could hear Louis, Niall, and Kimmy skateboarding after us.

I can't tell you how many times Liam swerved to miss trees when we finally got outside. The police men finally gave up. I think we were just lucky because it was a small town. We still continued to go as fast as we could. I saw cars whizzing past. In front of us was a huge highway.

"We can pass it," Louis said setting his skateboard back down.

With a push of his foot, he was sent across the death valley of a highway. 

"LOUIS NO!" We all screamed in unison, but it was too late. 

"Well we can't just stand here...we have to follow him!" Kimmy exclaimed while charging after him on her skateboard.

Another car sped by. My heart started beating really fast. This was basically like a death trap. Soon Niall and Zayn with Harry took off after them. 

"Liam..I-I dont know-w about this," I commented.

"It'll be fine. Look Louis already made it across!" Liam coaxed. 

We let a line of cars drive by and then we zoomed across the road, so far so good. I took another breath before we crossed the next part of the highway. The road was clear except for one huge Semi coming down it. If Liam went the results could be deadly. Liam didn't read my mind though. He pushed the car in front of it and I nearly fainted. The lights of the Semi shone bright in my eyes and I couldn't see a thing. 

All of a sudden everything was black...

Harry's POV

My eyes widened as I saw Liam put that tiny little plastic car in front of the Semi. 

Luckily, however, he made it across safely. He timed it just right. One second later he would have been flattened along with Savannah.

"Are you going to open your eyes now, Savannah?" Zayn chuckled. 

"I'm alive!" She shouted.

We all laughed and helped them out of the cars. Traveling in those things would not be a good idea. They just shout 'Hey come mug us!

We walked awhile until Niall's stomach caught up with him.

"I'm hungry..." Niall whined. "Someone feed me!"

I checked our surroundings the only nearby food store was a place called Little Stephanie's Goodies . It seemed like a charming place. Just like Niall read my mind he hovered over to the antique shop. We followed him into it. No one was in it just a little old lady with he nose deep in a book at the front desk. 

The bell rang telling her that we were entering the shop. She lifted her head and gave us a small wave and returned her eyes back to the book. Niall and surprisingly Kimmy had their faces pressed against the glass of a chocolate stand. 

"Kimmy...manners!" Savannah scolded her like a mother.

"Yes mother," Kimmy rolled her eyes and backed off the glass.

"Niall...manners!" Liam scolded Niall.

"I'm not a dog," Niall argued and kept his face pressed against the glass.

Something seemed to click in Kimmy's brain and she drifted away from Savannah's side. I'm not saying that Savannah was treating Kimmy like a dog instead of a best friend, but I do think she was a little harsh. Plus nobody else was in the store.

Before anyone could say anything the old lady approached us from behind the stand, "Hello dears! how can I-Oh my I think I have seen you fine lads before...on my grand daughter's wall I'm pretty sure." 

From that I knew everything was not going to work out our way this night...

Liam's POV

"Oh you have?" Liam asked.

"Yes, I think she would appreciate it if I could get her an autograph," The lady beamed.

She each handed us a pen and the lads took turns signing a napkin she had.

"Oh let me just get something else for you to sign!" She exclaimed.

She headed through a back door and returned with rope. Something was fishy. Before we could even do anything she had us all together tied to one computer chair. it was very uncomfortable. I was pretty sure I was sitting on Niall's face and Louis was laying on top of me. I did notice something though...Savannah and Kimmy weren't tied with us.

Savannah's POV

Kimmy and I watched the old lady close up shop. She blew a kiss to the boys and with that she was gone. We tiptoed over to the back room.

"No need to fear Kimmy is here!"

"And Savannah." I added.

"Wow this is really tightly tied! Kimmy get me a knife."

There was fumbling and she brought me back a knife. I quickly sawed though the rope and the boys were free.

If you ever see a Little Stephanie's Goodies...I don't recommend you going there.


Hello amazingness!

I hope all of you guy's Christmas was amazing! I'm really sorry I haven't really updated in weeks possibly months I can't remember! So here's a treat for you all!(: <3

- Jessica xoxo

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