Is That A 35 Foot Tall Golf Ball?

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Savannah's POV

I woke up to Liam hovering over me.


"I'm sorry for my outburst. It was rally uncalled for. I'll help you and Kimmy with Harry."

It was nice of him to apologize, but I was still mad at him. How could he just scream at me last night and just pretend it didn't happen? As I kneeled down to check Harry's wound, I didn't really know what to think about Liam anymore. He had completely bitched out on me for no reason. I know he likes me and was probably jealous, but he took it too far.

Harry stirred in his sleep. The blood slowed down and everything looked alright so I got back up. 


Niall literally scared me half to death. I probably jumped five feet in the air. I didn't even know he was awake. I looked over at him. He had his pointer finger pointed to a place in the distance. I focused my eyes and squinted. Over the tree tops a little further away was a top of a golf ball. A GOLF BALL? What is going on here? 

"CIVILIZATION!" Kimmy exclaimed.

"Let's get a move on!" I declared.

We woke everybody up, which may have included some punching, but we started on our way to this strange golf ball thing.


I couldn't believe my eyes. This thing was huge. The golf ball was in the middle of this gigantic sport park named 'Greg's Sports Land'. 

"Well let's go in. Maybe we can call Eleanor?" Louis suggested. 

We all agreed and pulled ourselves over the gate. If I was a little kid, I'd be in heaven right now. There were these water bumper boats, a green and well taken care of golf course, go-carts, picnic section, soccer field, pool, and more. 

We approached the building and looked inside, lights were on so we opened the doors. I wonder why they had the gates close, but not the building. We walked past the bathroom and suddenly I felt the urge to use the restroom. I needed to see how I looked. I've been dying to check my appearance for weeks. I mean being surrounded by a bunch of guys, you gotta look at least decent.

"I'll be right back!" I call to the group. I quickly run into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. Suddenly, I felt insecure. My nose curved weirdly and mud covered my face. My mascara was smeared. My weight was disappearing, making me look like I was all bones. My eyes had huge bags under them. My flaws stuck out like a sore thumb. 


I nearly slipped on a puddle of water. I saw that stupid boy, who gives me butterflies for no reason. Liam Payne. 

"The boys wanted me to check on you."

"Oh well I'm fine. You can leave now." I returned to the mirror. I could still see Liam's reflection in the mirror. His reflection inched closer to mine.

"Are you alright?" he asked, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing a kiss on my neck nearly taking my breath away.

I sighed. "I'm going insane, Liam. I need to go home. I can't do this anymore."

"You can't do what?" Liam asked.

Was he seriously this clueless?

"I can't keep being in your crazy love triangle with Harry. I'm sick of being in the middle of things. I can't even help Harry without being yelled at!" I said while sitting down next to the sink. Liam sat down next to me. 

"Savannah, I know I can be a jerk. Heck, I know life can be a jerk. But there is one thing I've learned in my 19 years of life is that you need to keep your head up high. I'm sorry if I offended you or made you mad. I can't stand to see one of my best friends flirt with a girl I lo-like."

I was tearing up. I have this thing that makes me all emotional when people apologize. I think I got it from my mom when I was little or something, but ever since then I've always teared up when someone else apologized to me. That's basically why I ended up taking back two of my ex-boyfriends then later I found out that they cheated on me. How nice isn't that?

I looked down and Liam rested his hand on my cheek. He pulled my chin up and kissed my lips softly. He pulled away and got up. He then walked out like it was nothing. 

What just happened here?


Hey amazingness!

It's been awhile again. >.<

I'm sorry! It's also a short chapter. I'm gonna try and get another chapter up soon, but no promises!
Love ya all!
picture on the side for Siam shippers!

- Jessica xoxo

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