Stranded But Not With One Direction

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Savannah's POV

Being on tour with the boys was a dream. I may not have had any talent that made me stand out, but it felt like I was on stage with family and they treated me like that. No, not a single management tried to pick me up or and record labels try to sign me. That is not what the tour was about though. It was about spending time with my favorite boys. 

Now, the five members of One Direction Stand in front of me with tear-filled eyes and jam-packed suitcases in a crowded airport. (Of course they were in a sectioned off part and protected by security from fans).

"I guess this is goodbye," I choke up the words from the back of my throat.

"Yeah," Harry said. I never really got to apologize to Harry. He seemed like a genuinely good guy. I should have never led him on by flirting back or responding to his kisses. It was wrong.  But there just wasn't the connection that I felt when I kissed Liam. 


"Yes, who will help me find Mr. Snuggles?" Niall asked. We all hated to break it to him that Mr. Snuggles got lost after he had left Harry's butt crack.

"No one is ever going to replace you. You might as well become the sixth member." Zayn offers trying to change the subject and cheer me up. However, his words just make this goodbye even harder.

And lastly, I look at Liam. He can't even look up from the ground to meet my eyes. He's staring at his smudged vans with the black hood of his hoodie framing his face. He probably didn't want to be recognized by the pap and fans in the airport. All I could see is the boy who I fell for, literally, in the store on the ship. "Hey?" I nudge him quietly while the others walk off to find a bathroom and some coffee before their long flight back to England. He looks up at me with the same caramel eyes from the ship, but this time they are filled with tears and now I'm scared I may immediately burst into tears along with him. 

"Don't forget me," I joke, trying to lighten the mood and lead him over to some chairs lined up for waiting passengers outside their gate.

"Savannah, I haven't been able to get you out of my mind since the day I met you in the gift shop." 

My heart skipped a beat. Liam Payne is such a kind, romantic soul. He is one of a kind. He is larger than life and words are sometimes lost when I try to describe his personality to those who have not met him.  "Same for me," I whisper because I can't find my voice. It's almost lost in my head with all the other thoughts and emotions that are swirling around. He takes his hand and entwines it with mine. I am caught off guard by this since the paparazzi could be anywhere taking snap shots of this moment. And trust me, those types of pictures make bank.

"I feel like whatever we have, never got to fully evolve because things were so hectic. Also, I was feeling some mad mixed signals," He laughs, but also sounds hurt.

"You're right. We were always so busy trying to run away from people or towards our goal destination that we never truly got a chance to sit and talk about us. And now we have to say goodbye." Us? There isn't even an 'us'. Why do I say the stupidest things? His thumb begins to trace the space below my thumb.

"This doesn't have to be goodbye," He looks at me with a small smile. 


"I'm always here for a chat," He points to my phone. "And I am sure our paths will cross again." He winks. I am not sure what he means by this, but maybe when they tour again in the U.S. they will plan to visit me. 

"So you don't think my farts smell better than orange peels?" Louis snaps me out of the daze that I fell in with Liam. He reminds me that we are not alone and that we are in an airport and that they are leaving me. 

"No," Zayn shakes his head. 

"What's going on here?" Niall questioned looking back and forth between Liam and I.

"I was just explaining to Savannah how much she means to the group," Liam covered. This just confused me further. Were we not talking about what our relationship could blossom into? Did I miss something? Did he just let me down without me realizing it?

  "GROUP HUG!" Louis throws his arms around me. They all come in one last time for a group hug. It felt like home. 

"There better be snacks on this plane I'm hungry," Niall commented while grabbing his suitcase. 

Suddenly, it was time for the boys to board the plane. I watch as Louis runs into the gate, but doesn't leave completely without turning around and giving a big goofy grin with Niall following close behind. Harry and Zayn wished me well in college and promised to text me when they landed. Lastly, Liam gave me a kiss on the forehead causing my skin that he touched to buzz and my heart to swell with desolation.

There is nothing in this world that is more saddening than losing a best friend. I know this now. But I can feel my heart being shattered into little shards as I watch the boys walk away. A stronger pain that I have never felt before. This is it. I am losing 5 best friends. And a love that I almost  let slip away because I overthought everything too much.

 I am so grateful to have been able to even have known them the way that I did. From fan girl to acquaintance whom they may chose to vandalize homes with, it's truly remarkable. I hate to think that they won't stay in contact with me, but they live such busy lives, even Liam who promised to text me whenever he could. But who knows, fate has surprised me over and over again...

And just like that all five boys were gone far out of my sight and let me tell you...I have 20/20 vision so that's pretty far.

Now, I am "stranded" with my emotions in a South Dakota airport without One Direction by my side.


Hello amazingness!

Thought you'd seen the last of me? Not yet. ONE MORE CHAPTER TO COME! Kind of a more serious chapter this time. What does Liam have up his sleeve? Find out in the next chapter. Hope this one doesn't take me two years to write... lol sorry. 

Also, just wanted to remind people that this is just for entertainment purposes only for my readers and I. I have never wished myself to be a writer and nor did I think this book was amazingly written. I just think its fun to come up with funny scenarios in my head and write them down and it gives me joy when others find them entertaining as well. I know some situations in this are not super realistic (them not using cellphones to get help). I love reading every comment on this series and I am so thankful for the support. I know the past few chapters have been short, but thank you for continuing to read my crappy writing.

- xoxo

Stranded With One Direction...AGAIN? (Sequel to Stranded With One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now