The Motor Motel

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Harry's POV

"Is everyone packed?" Liam asked.

We all nodded.

I finished off by shoving my sneakers into my book bag. Liam had us all pack our book bags that we had brought with us for schooling. We had to pack everything we needed other than that it would be left on the bus and hopefully will still be there when we call management and body guards to retrieve the bus.

"Hazza, I think you're forgetting something..." Louis said.

"What what would that be, BooBear?" I asked.

"A shirt," He replies.

"Oh right!" I exclaim while shoving a polo shirt into my book bag.

Savannah and Kimmy started laughing.

"No no no! You're not wearing a shirt," Louis chuckled.

I looked down. I must have forgotten to put a shirt on after being slammed into a wall and thinking the bus was crashed...yeah I think I have an excuse.

"Like what you see?" I wiggled my eyebrows at the girls.

Kimmy and Savannah rolled their eyes and started to laugh again. I picked up the polo shirt and slipped it on.

"Okay troops let's go!" Kimmy shouted and we all headed out the bus door.

Savannah's POV

The cold air immediately hit me. I pulled my hood on and started to walk.

"Which way should we go?" Zayn asked.

"The magical fairy way!" Niall cheered.

I raised an eyebrow. Niall walked closer to a sign that said:


"Niall, I don't think that will lead to magical fairies," Kimmy said. "Probably to some pedophile."

"Yes, it will lead to fairies!" Niall pouted.

"Let's go back the way we came from. At least we know there are people there and we can follow the bus's tracks," Harry suggested. I never knew Harry was so smart.

"That's a great idea!" I exclaimed.

Everyone else nodded so we went with Harry's idea. We started to walk. The mud made it super easy to see the tracks.

"One hundred bottles of beer on the wall, one hundred bottles of beer take one down pass it around ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall," Louis started to sing. Niall joined in with him. I facepalmed. This was going to take awhile.


"Thirty-one bottles are beer on the wall, thirty-one bottles of beer take one down pass it around thirty bottles of beer on the wa-"

"We get it!" Kimmy and I yelled in unison.

Niall and Louis finally stopped singing and it was dead silent.

"So, Savannah, what have you been doing?" Harry asked.

I looked at Kimmy. Should I tell the boys all the rumors that were spread around about me because of being stranded on an island with them?

"Nothing really...just trying to find a college to go to."

I looked down at my feet. My combat boots were caked in mud.

The sun started to set and it started getting colder out.

"My feet are killing me!" Louis whined.

"Wait! I think we're here!" Zayn exclaimed. "Wait nevermind it was a bird."

How do you mistake a city with a bird you ask? I don't know. I just hope we get there soon.

"I see it!" Kimmy screamed, running ahead of us all.

Sure enough, the lights of a few restaurants shined brightly other than that there was no motion in the city.

"Let's find a motel or a hotel," Zayn suggested.

So we walked around until we finally found one. It was a motel called 'Motor Motel' it was some car themed motel. I didn't care as long as we had shelter.

"May I help you?" A man asked at the front desk.

"Yeah hi we're One Direction, so we need a room for free," Harry said.

"I don't know who One Direction is."

That caught me off guard. This town must not associate much with other cities or towns.

"We're a pretty well known famous boyband and all women swoon over us. Now give us a key," Harry demanded.

"I can't let you have a room."

"Listen we have traveled five miles on foot. We're going to get a room and we're going to get one now!" Harry screamed. I've never seen him so mad in my life.

"Security!" The man at the desk screamed.

Men dressed in black came out and grabbed Harry by his arms.

"Let him go!" I shouted.

The men came back and grabbed me also. They shoved Harry and I into a car. It was super crammed in the car. I was squished against the wall of the car and whenever we'd hit a bump, I'd either slam my head against the wall or slam into Harry.

"I've never been to jail," I whispered.

"Neither have I," Harry stated looking at his handcuffs.

"I'm scared, Harry." I blinked back tears.

"We'll get out. Don't worry love!" Harry said placing his handcuffed hands on mine. Just then the men hit the brakes and I went flying to the other side of the car's wall. My head was slammed into the wall. My vision started to fade. I heard faint voices.

"Just carry her inside don't leave her here, idiot!" One of the men in black exclaimed.

I was picked up and felt like I was floating on air. Then reality slipped away from my fingers and I was left in darkness.


Hey amazingness!

Two updates in one day wow! I'm still feeling the need to write too!

- Jessica xoxo

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