Rain and Plastic Bags

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Savannah's POV

If I could describe this day within two words they would be 'rain' and 'plastic bags', okay that's three..

It has been four months since the tour has started. I cannot comprehend how lucky I am right now. Tonight is the last show for the tour and the boys said that they have a special show planned for tonight. Knowing them it will probably be something out-of-control. 


The day started with rain, no a torrential downpour. The gloomy skies reflected our moods. Although the boys were excited to get back to their families, they enjoyed being on the road and meeting their fans. It was actually pretty sweet. Anyways, as usual fans lined up behind the hotel fence before dawn. Today was an unexceptionally bad day to choose to stand outside. At the moment the boys were outside taking pictures and signing whatever unknown items the fans brought. 

My phone began to ring in my pocket. Baby Got Back echoed through the empty hotel room.

"Hello?" I pressed the phone to my ear confused. I was not expecting a call today.

"Savannah," My sister's voice sounded over the phone.

"Jasmine!" I squealed and I heard her respond with a laugh.

"Are you coming home soon?" She asked.

"Actually within the next couple days. I never got to ask you how your honeymoon was?"

"It was fantastic. Paris is so beautiful at night. Where are you at now?" I could hear the excitement in her voice.

"Um, some place in New York," I glance out the hotel window to see Louis and Niall doing the macarena with a fan.

"Are you excited to come back home?" She asked. She sounded like she was walking over to sit down on a chair.

"I'm really going to miss these boys..."


Plastic Bags

When the boys say they have something major planned, you should expect the worst. I walk out of my dressing room in a dress made up of plastic bags.

"I feel like a hobo," I groaned.

"At least you're a stylish hobo," Niall commented.

"I should seriously start designing my own outfits," I said while popping a handful of M&Ms in my mouth from the desert table. 

Once the pre-show rituals are completed, the boys begin to walk out on stage singing to Live While We're Young. The whole arena erupts into huge bursts of screaming. I'm actually surprised I haven't had major hearing loss from the tour. After the song is over, Liam motions to the audience to be quiet. And so the surprise begins...

"Since this is our last stop on the tour, we are going to make this extra special."

The audience screams louder than before.

"Tweet us truths and dares," Zayn finished. Suddenly, it seems like everyone in the crowd whips out their smartphones. 

"We will also have Savannah participate too!" Harry explained, practically dragging me on stage. I can hear the laughs in the audience at my bag dress. I want to scream it wasn't my idea but I keep my mouth shut.

Stranded With One Direction...AGAIN? (Sequel to Stranded With One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now