I Came In Like A Wrecking Ball

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Harry's POV

Security quickly ran over to us. 

"You kids are crazy!" One exclaimed while dragging us out of the arena again.

"Sir, it's really us you have to believe us!" Zayn whined.

"What's going on here?" Simon Cowell asked approaching the situation.

"They're claiming that we aren't One Direction!" I rolled my eyes.

I was already sick of people not recognizing us. For example, when we were at the hotel. I know my outburst was probably childish, but I guess that is what fame does to a person. I do not like it. At all.

Savannah's POV

Niall did some dance where he pat his head and high fived Louis with their feet. I guess that meant something to Simon because he let us go. 

I followed the boys backstage like a lost puppy. I felt so out of league. We passed by all these gorgeous girls screaming the boys' names. Some girls gave me sour faces. I looked down at my feet and sighed quietly to myself. 

Each one of the members of One Direction went in their dressing rooms and I sat myself down in the hallway with my back pressed against the wall. I picked at the last of my nail polish on my nails. It was a bad habit that I developed. I usually did it when I was nervous. 

Zayn was the first to come out of his dressing room. He wore a plain white t-shirt with one pocket on the right of his chest and black pants. "You can use my mum's cell phone to call up your mum if you'd like."

"Ok thanks!" I smiled.

Niall came out of his dressing room while I dialed my mother's phone number. He wore a tank top and black pants. There were a couple rings and my mom picked up.

"OH MY GOD YOU'RE OKAY!" She squealed into the phone. 

I guess she assumed it was me because of the unknown number.

"Hi mom. We made it to Alabama. How was the wedding?"

"It was great! Be careful down there please! And if it get's chilly put a coat on-"

"Yes mother," I replied irritably.

"Okay. I'll see you when you get home!"

"Love you!" I said before hanging up.

By then all the boys were ready for the show.

"Here." Louis threw a dress literally in my face.

"What this for?" I asked, trying to untangle myself from the dress.

"You are our closing act," Zayn stated.

"I didn't agree to this!" I rejected.

"Pleaseeeeeeeeee!" Niall whined getting on his knees trying to pass off a puppy dog face. 

I rolled my eyes and went into the closest dressing room and closed the door. I set the dress on the couch and was about to start stripping when I saw Liam Payne half-naked standing across the room. Oh. My. God.

"Erm..sorry," I said embarrassed.

I could've sworn he was already out there with the rest of the boys. He laughed. Why was he not was uncomfortable as I was? I wish I could've played this situation cool, but with no planning I was basically frozen stiff.

"You can change in the bathroom," He replied. 

Wow their changing rooms even had bathrooms. I quickly gathered the dress and sprinted for the bathroom. 

Harry's POV

Liam came out of his dressing room just in time for the voice warm ups. We did a few exercises to get ourselves pumped and then we had 15 minutes to ourselves, which we usually just spent messing around in the storage units or tweeting.

Savannah came out of Liam's dressing room in her dress and heels. It was an orange dress with  a strappy back that would just take your breath away.

She rolled her eyes, "Isn't this a little showy?"

"Well we have to have a grand finale!" Niall exclaimed.

"Show in 3 minutes guys!" A stage manager announced. 

We grabbed our microphones and got ready to take the stage. Once we heard the cue of the music, we bolted on stage, which got the crowd fired up. It felt so good to be surrounded by a room of people after being stranded seeing barely any other humans.

Savannah's POV

I watched the boys from the side of the stage. 

A woman with a huge zit on her nose rambled on about how I was supposed to swing in on a rope. Oh great just what I needed...all the Directioners to assume I am some sort of stripper. Then she said the boys will help me down from the rope and they will talk about all our adventures and junk.

This was not going to end well...

My heart started picking up its pace. I know I will some how mess this up.


Before I knew it, it was time to go out on stage. A man handed me a rope and I was expected to be able to climb up it. Then they were given a cue and he pulled me back and then push me out into the area of the stage. I started having second thoughts about this finale because as soon as I came out on stage the crowd fell silent. 

"Everyone this is our great friend Savannah," Harry announced. 

Liam helped me down from the rope. Zayn handed me his microphone. I took it shyly. 

"How about that for an entrance?" Louis asked the crowd. There were a few cheers and woops.

"I guess you could say I came in like a wrecking ball," I replied into the microphone.

Then a miracle happened the stadium filled with laughs from the crowd. Niall started telling the story of our time on time on the island being sure he included the parts with Ned, the pineapple. We also acted out the moments where we were almost attacked by a tiger and when we climbed up the cliff. By then the audience was warmed up to me and laughed at all the jokes I made.

At the end of the concert, the audience stood up and chanted my name. I blushed. We all bowed and I exited the stage with the boys following me.

If I have to do that for the rest of the tour, I will probably shrivel up and turn into a peanut from the stress.


Hi amazingness!

I hope you enjoyed this long chapter!

There's like 2-3 chapters left, so enjoy! 

The picture on the side is of the dress Savannah was wearing.

- Jessica xoxo

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