The Wheels On The Subway

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Savannah's POV

We were in Dillard, Georgia. We finally learned the name thanks to the subway lady. We paid the lady our money for the tickets then we boarded the subway after it whizzed into the station. Sadly, the subway would only take us from Dillard to Bibb City, Georgia. I guess that was close enough. We could catch a ride from someone maybe to get to Montegomery, Alabama where the boys were performing.

First off I could tell it was going to be a long ride after seeing the people we were riding the subway with. I smiled at the lady holding a live goose as we walked in. Kimmy and I took my seat next a clown with a ton of balloons. Niall sat next a man with sweaty armpits and Louis sat down next to him. Harry sat down next to me. Liam sat down next to a man with a cage full of bunnies and Zayn sat next to a woman with a baby. 

"Let's play I Spy, Niall!" Louis exclaimed.

"I Spy," Louis said.

"Is it the tunnel?" Niall asked.

"Yes! How did you know? Oh well it's your turn."

"I spy something..dark black," Niall stated.

" it the tunnel?" Louis asked.

"Good job!" 

They kept going on and on.

Liam's POV

I adjusted myself in the seat. The seats were so uncomfortable. I kept sliding down in them.

"Hey kid, I'll let you pet my bunnies for fifty dollars," said the man next to me. He smiled a yellow teeth smile. I gave him a weird look and quickly walked over to Zayn and sat next to him.

Suddenly the lady's baby started bawling. Zayn and I immmediately jumped to the rescue and helped the lady calm her child down. We sang a few lines from Nobody Compares acoustically.

'You're so pretty when you cry, when you cry
Wasn't ready to hear you say goodbye
Now you're tearing me apart, tearing me apart
You're tearing me apart'

The baby then calmed down and the lady thanked us. I smiled at the little bundle of joy as it fell back asleep.

Harry's POV

The subway ride was silent for awhile. 

"Hey everyone let's do the Harlem Shake Dance!" Louis shouted so everyone ont he subway could hear him.

Savannah erupted into laughter.

"Louis sit back down," Liam ordered, but of course Louis didn't listen.

He stood up on his chair and started doing the Harlem Shake. I couldn't hold my laughter in any longer I started kaughing along with Savannah. Some people also joined his 'flash mob'.


You could feel it starting to get even darker outside. The exhaustion from the race was finally catching up with us. Niall and Louis finished one last game of I Spy one last time and fell asleep. Zayn fell asleep with his head in his hands. Liam was trying to blink away his sleep. Then it was like a domino effect, Kimmy fell asleep with her head rested on Savannah and Savannah fell asleep with her rested on my shoulder. 

I quietly let my mind rest while thinking the most beautiful girl in the world is resting her head on my shoulder while sleeping.


Hi amazingness!

If you didn't know what the Harlem shake was there is a gif on the side of it haha. >>

So sorry for not updating then coming up with this short chappie. I will try and get another chatper up tomorrow if not then next weekend hopefully. Love you all!

- Jessica xoxo

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