Chapter 16

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Leah's Pov

"What am I gonna do-?" I cry looking at her.

"Stop repeating the same question Leah," Christina snapped. We've been here talking about what happened two hours ago. Which resulted of me creating a new ocean.

"Here you go, now eat," She hands me a bag of Chinese food. I wipe off my tears and grab the bag.

"How are your little nieces?" I ask her, taking a bite of the chicken. She sighs and shakes her head.

"Are you sure you want to talk about my ki-?" She quickly covers her mouth and her eyes open wide in terror. I shoot her a confusing look before realizing what she was going to say,

"You have kids?! The two little girls who you call nieces are your daughters?!" I yell at her. "I can't believe you lied to me all this time. Aren't best friends supposed to tell each other everything?"

"Not everything," I heard her mumble and I swear I could feel smoke coming out of my ears.

"Tell me about them," I demand.

"They are twins. Kylie and Brittany. They're five and go to your school."

"Who is the father?" She gulps and looks down. I took her silence as an answer.

"You little slut! You got pregnant at what? Eighteen years old for god's sake and you don't know who the father is?!" By now I was finished with my food.

I went to the bathroom wincing at the contact of cold floor. How am I suppose to feel, angry or sad? I don't know anything from Harry yet. I tried contacting him but it was sent straight to voicemail.

"Why you didn't tell me?" I ask once I calmed down. I lied on the uncomfortable bed and tugged my hair.

"I don't want to break our friendship,"

"Well, maybe if you told me sooner we would be alright," I spoke.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

My head whipped to the device on the small round table before grabbing it.


"Hey there, Leah," An unfamiliar voice greeted. I furrow my eyebrows and ask,

"Who's this?"

"The guy that your best friend warned you about," I look at Christina who was looking at me confused. Deciding on put it on speaker.

"Who is this?"

"You don't remember me. I see," He chuckled. "And I guess that your best friend, mother of two twins, didn't tell you that I will get my revenge," Christina gasped quietly and covered her mouth.

"No, i-it can't be," She whispered, tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

"And for the final thing of the day. Christina I know you are with her. I guess you will have to pay for not telling Leah here about this. You have one week to say bye bye to your little daughters," With that he hung up.

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