Chapter 18

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Leah's Pov

"I'm done with him." I finally stated. After three long hours of pouring all my thoughts and angriness on Eleanor. I felt bad for taking it all out on her.

"Wow." Is all she could take out. She sipped on her cup and sigh.

"There is only one thing left that can solve this." Eleanor's eyebrows rose and gasped.

"No, Leah you haven't even talked to him. I mean, come on, what if he doesn't know about this."

"You mean, he doesn't know that he was fucking behind my back all the time." I snapped putting back my cup of coffee on the table. I lean back on the chair crossing my arms over my chest.

"This is fucked up." Eleanor said and texted. I played with the napkin on the table. Pulling the paper into tiny pieces.

Another buzz sounded from my bag. I tried to avoid whoever was trying to talk to me but it got kind of annoying.

Harry: When did you leave the hospital? xx

Harry: Where r you? xx

Harry: Call me baby. Please. xx

Harry: Why Christina is in our house? xx

Harry: what did i do? C'mon answer. xx

Harry: i'm worried about you. Neither of the girls answer me and the boys don't know where you are.

Those were the only ones I read because I was not going to read the other 26 messages.

"Louis is going to tell Harry. I can tell," Eleanor said. "Come on, let's get out of here." She grabbed my hand pulling me to the balls of my feet.

"You need to talk to him." Eleanor pleaded with both of her hands on my own. Harry's car was in their driveway.


"Why? Are you scared?"




"Then go talk to him. I bet he's arguing with Louis trying to get to where you are." She said looking at her house.


"Leah." She stated firmly. I rolled my eyes and opened the door of her car. Without knocking and entering, loud familiar voices echoed through the big house. Stepping into the loving room I find Harry on the couch with his head in his hands. Furiously running his fingers through his hair.

"There she is." Louis cheers only to receive a glare from her fiancé. Harry's head quickly turned to me. He went to hug me but I dodged it. He frowned and tried again.

"Stop trying to touch me. You're disgusting." Hurt flashed through his eyes.

"Leah." Eleanor's voice enter my head. I notice her make signs to Louis. He quietly walked out of the room with Eleanor leaving us both alone.


"Why did you do it?" I snap at him. He put his hands on his chest and leans forward.

"Me? I didn't do anything."

"Cut the act, dickhead. Why were you fucking with Christina behind my back? Huh?" I was already fuming and its not even three minutes here with him.

"Baby, I-"

"Don't baby me." My hands at my side were balled into tight fists turning white.

"I didn't fucked Christina behind your back. I would never cheat on you Leah." He took a step forward which made me more angry.

"Then how Kylie and Brittany happened?"

One more step and he's getting it.

"They are her nieces."

"Bullshit. Christina beat me up at the hospital. Brittany is yours and Kylie is Niall's. You have a daughter with another woman." I think it finally registered his mind and mine as well.

Harry has a daughter... With another woman. He cheated on me. Lies as well about it.

His face jerked to the side. He grabbed his cheek.

"What the fuck was that for?!" He raised his voice.

"For cheating on me you fucking bastard. Son of a b-" I was cut off by his body crashing into mine, backing me to a wall.

"Don't touch me! Leave me alone." I struggle to get out of his tight grip. Tears started falling as I tried to punch him.

"She is not my daughter." He spat angrily. I continued to struggle out of his grip and say,

"For god's sake she has the same eye color as yours. She even has your nose and mouth!" I looked straight into his eyes. More tears filling in.

"Stop." He growled referring to the fact that I was still trying to punch him.

"I want divorce." I declared through my tears. Harry shook his head and pressed me more into the wall. I whimpered feeling his hands dig into my hips.

"Harry that's enough!" Louis' voice appeared.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me." He said his voice changing. His hands removed themselves from my body.

"I officially hate you, Harry Styles." With that I pushed him and ran out of the house.


Sorry for the mistakes. School is getting very complicated it sucks.

This is fucked up.



Oh. A thank you to:


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