Chapter 24

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*Two weeks later*

Leah's Pov

"Hold on... Zayn was part of Malcolm's plan all the time since we were friends in the very beggining? Lou you could be wrong. That is impossible." Harry protests once again.

"Harry, listen carefully again. I'm not going to repeat myself. Malcolm set us up being friends with Zayn. When we went camping, when the girls started running away while we beat the crap out of Malcolm, Zayn ran to that tree to distract the lion, Marcus, you remember?" Louis explains for the fifth time today. Harry nods and rubs his hands on his face, frustrated.

"Then, Zayn got off the tree and, poof he was gone. Probably forever. The lion didn't took off behind him, he went for us , we were fighting Malcolm, and that is how you got those beautiful scars on your face, dipshit." Louis claps and Harry gives him the nasties glare ever.

"It makes perfect sense! There is no other way around. Open your eyes, and face the reality." Louis pats his head after finishing his theory. We were on our house, except Niall and Zayn of course.

"Perrie, how do you feel about all of this?" Sophia asks her quietly. Perrie sniffles before breaking down completely. Us girls comforted her while she let everything out.

"Zayn is such a hypocrite. I loved him with all my heart. He didn't even say goodbye he just disappeared. I have never been so disappointed and betrayed in someone my entire life." Perrie suddenly stands up and runs to the bathroom. Silence fills the room.

"Harry, as much as I hate to admit it, it makes perfect sense." I say grabbing one of his hands on his face and intertwining them my fingers.

"And? What we do now?" Harry asks me.

"There is nothing we can do." I respond.

"We can go to the police." Harry suggests.

"Or we can forget about it and move on with our lives." Louis suggests.

"We'll see." Liam says.


"How are the babies treating you, love?" Harry asks as we cuddled watching a movie in our bedroom.

"They're pretty calm actually. I'm glad." I sigh and rub my four month belly.

"God, you look like you are six months. Huge belly, I love it." He gives me a kiss on the lips. I pull my head away facing the TV again, only three seconds after, Harry grabs my chin and connects our lips together.

"I love you, baby." He murmurs pecking my lips again.

"I love you, too." I look into his eyes and the cuddle him until we both fall asleep.


Happy Three Kings Day. 👑👑👑

Only one more chapter and an epilogue.

There would be NO sequel.


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