Chapter 20

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Leah's Pov

"And there he goes! Punch after punch- AND HE'S OUT! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THIS IS THE SECONDS TIME HE HITS THE FLOOR! ONCE AGAIN THE VICTORY IS FOR HARRY STYLES!" The announcer tells the public as the people go crazy. The referee raises Harry's hand in the air making the crowd even crazier.

I sigh and change the channel.

"Harry Styles won the match tonight. This boy is getting stronger and strong-" Click.

"What do you think about it?" A woman asked two girls who were about my age or a little bit younger.

"Well, I would jump on him and you don't want to know the rest." The girl with blonde hair tells the interviewer. The other girl giggles and nods agreeing with the blonde.

"Yeah, backstage passes to see Harry Styles! Good luck girls. And we're back with you Michael." The woman says to the camera.

"Why everything is about him?! It's fucking annoying." I grumble munching on Doritos.

"Harry is a famous boxer now, you know?" Sophia chuckles, sipping on her Sprite.

I groan and shut off the tv since everything on it is about Harry Styles. Harry this, Harry that. Can they shut the fuck up about it? My goodness.

My phone buzzes signaling me that I have a message. My brows furrow at it opening it.

@Harry_Styles: Miss my baby @LeahOfficial 😘

"Sophia look at this." I tell her, showing her my phone. I frown once I see another tweet.

@Harry_Styles: @LeahOfficial i love you, baby girl😉


"What the hell, Harry?! You can't just tweet things for me when we are in bad conditions!"

"Well, I want this to work out. Changed my mind." I can practically hear the smirk on his face. My breathing got shorter and quicker as my anger took over me.

"Meet me at our place tomorrow at nine, so we can talk about this."

"No, I don't want to talk about this. I already have my decision and it is to get a divorce." He sighs, I heard shuffling at the other end.

"What are you doing?" I found myself asking. He chuckles before replying

"Going where you are, baby. See you in a bit."

I get the phone away from my ear glancing at it to see it buzzing at the end of the call. I groan, running to the front door locking it. I made myself a sandwich eating it on the couch.

"This is so messed up." I mumble, switching the tv on. Just Go With It was playing so I turn it up. Gulping the orange juice, I took another bite off of my sandwich.

I burst out laugh as they were in this competition and the man lifted the coconut with his ass. My phone buzzes again making me groan in frustration.

Barbara: Can I come over? I'm boreeeeedddd

Me: Sure! Bring some popcorn please. I'm at Sophia's

Barbara: See you in 5

The other thing is. How would Niall react to all of this? Does Barbara know? How will she react? What will they do? I shook my head at all the questions continuing with the movie.

I haven't been to school for the past two weeks. It honestly scares me if I would loose the job. I love those kiddos with all my heart.

Not more than Harry though. My mind reminds me.

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