Chapter 3

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Leah's Pov

I'm now 4 months pregnant. But my tummy was bigger. Today we find out the gender of the baby. Harry is very excited. We were going to eat then go to the appointment. When we went to Anne's flat and told her the news she was practically screaming and running around the house yelling she was going to be a grandma. Then we went to my mothers. My mom was excited too. Her name is Patricia but people call her Trish. My father's name is Jeremy, he is a famous athlete at track and field. I know what you are thinking. He's only 45 years old. We went to eat at Wendy's.

"I want a Baconator with large fries and a large soda. What do you want babe?" Harry asked looking at me.

"I want, uh, baconator too with large fries, an chocolate frosting and water please." I said politely smiling at the cashier. She rolled her eyes.

"For a young women you eat alot and you're fat. Why are you dating this fatass big boy?" She said looking at my stomach and flirting with Harry. Harry wrapped his arm around my waist and glared at the cashier. She smirked at me and winked at Harry, checking him out. Her name tag says 'Taylor'.

"Listen Taylor" I said with a glare. "I am pregnant and this 'big boy' you are talking to is my husband. So stop talking to my husband, stop looking at him like a piece of meat. Take the damn order, give us the food and wipe that smirk off your face before I do it for you. And if you are calling me a fatass I want to see where did you got that ugly face. From your mother?" I finished with an little smirk. Harry buried his face in my neck to prevent laughing his ass off. With that I turned around and cupped Harry's face in my hands and smashed my lips to his. Harry smirked and I pulled away. Taylor looked surprised and terrified.

"If you don't want me to mess with you don't mess with my family." I said. Our order was ready, Harry grabbed the food and went to the car.

"That was fucking HOT!" Harry said. I blushed and began eating the fries. We continued talking and eating until we finished. Harry started the car and began driving to the doctors. We arrived and Harry opened the door for me.

"Thank you" I said pecking his lips. He grabed my hand and interlock our fingers.

"Appointment for Leah Styles with Doctor Brooklyn." Harry said to the old lady who is like 250 years old. If I tell her I am pregnant she will probably tell her life 250 years ago when the TV's didin't exist and when she saw Adam get Eve pregnant.

Finally my name was called and we walked to the room Brooklyn told us. I lay down on the bed and pulled up my shirt. My visible tummy was big. Brooklyn entered the room and got to work.

"Ok, this is the head, arms and legs." She said ponting to our baby. I smiled and looked at Harry. He grabed my hand and kissed my knuckles.

"Do you want to know the gender?" She asked to us. Harry nodded his head fast making his curls move around.

"Well you are having a baby---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------boy!"


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Stay beautiful

-Thalia :')

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