Chapter 23

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Leah's Pov

"Remember the oral presentation tomorrow." I told the class as the bell rung. I stood up from my desk, smiling as they left the classroom to their lunch break.

"Adiós, Señorita Styles." One of them said, I waved and closed the door. Three weeks have passed since I told Harry about the babies. I mean, I don't know if I should be mad at him, or happy that I can have kids? This is confusing for me. But Harry, he is the opposite, he is very happy. He already told like half of the school. Just imagine how happy he is.

I gathered my things and locked the classroom's door and made my way to the cafeteria, where I find hundreds of students in a big circle chanting.

Fight. Fight. Fight.

I was about to take a step to stop the fight but Lopez was already inside the circle shouting at them. Later, two boys bruised and bloody walked to the principal's office sending daggers to each other.

"Remember in high school that time I fought for you?" Harry said making me jump so high I could touch the ceiling. I hummed and made line for the delicious food, spaghetti with meatballs. Later on Liam came, out of nowhere, out of breath.

"Guys, guys. I found out something. Take a look." He said holding out a piece of yellow paper. It was all dirty and crumbled, the letters were written messily with a black pen. It was almost the same writing as a doctor but it was understandable.

Remember when Harry got his face smashed by my lion? I think he still got them claws marked? Ask Zayn about that. Good friend he is right? -M

I took a look at Harry's faded but noticeable scars.

"When did you got this?" Harry snapped at him looking back and forth from the letter to Liam.

"It was on my desk when I came back from the toilet." Liam said still catching his breath. "How does he know were we work? Or even worse, how the fuck did he left this on my desk?"

"Where is Zayn?" Harry asks in his deep, raspy, dark voice. His mood completely changing. Liam shook his head saying Zayn wasn't around.

"I've looked everywhere after I left the toilet, but couldn't find him. Think he left before lunch." Harry huffed and turned around grabbing a plate. I already had mine so I walked to the empty table in the front. Harry sat besides me while Liam sat across from us.

"Zayn is dead once I find him." Harry said. I gasped and punched his bicep.

"No, you'll not be killing anyone, okay?" His eyes connected with mine and gave me a small smile.

"Chill, I was kidding." He chuckled, making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Shut up and eat. Gosh, I love you."

"Who? Me or the food?"

"99 percent is the food and 1 percent is you, so." He looked offended. I was leaning in to give him a kiss on the cheek, but he is Harry and -of course- turned his head locking our lips together. I -honestly- expected him to do it.

It only happened for a short second before we went back to eat. The silence was comfortable, the food was good, my life is okay, right now. Except the Marcus thing. Everyone is okay. Me and Harry worked it all out yesterday, a bit emotional too may I add; Liam and Sophia are great; Louis and Eleanor are getting married in July. Niall and Barbara are not on good terms right now. I think, it's Niall's fault to leave the most amazing girl in the world for some stupid whore... a.k.a Christina.

They broke up like two weeks ago? And there's Niall helping Christina. He's so clueless, I want to smack the hell of his face. I mean, if I had a kid with someone else that wasn't my boyfriend, I would give them money and help them, but leave your boyfriend who is there for you all the time for some trash can... That's Niall Horan for you. I hope one day he realizes the mistake he made.

I cleared my throat, "Can you buy me some water?" Turning to Harry. He looked at me then continued eating his spaghetti.


"No." He simply said. I huffed and ate some more. I waited until he ate five more bites and asked again.

"Can you buy me some water, please?" He looked again and scowled at me. I could tell he was in a playful mood because of the little twitch in his eye. I pouted and rested my forehead on his shoulder. I looked up again, he was already looking at me.

"Can you, please, buy me some water? I'm thirsty."

"Why don't you get it yourself, huh? You've got two pairs of beautiful legs to carry you wherever and whenever you want."

"The machines are too far. Look at them!"

"Baby, they're five foots away from us." He gripped my chin and stared deep into my eyes. "But you know what? Since I'm the best husband..." He leaned in slowly, stoping only inches away from my lips. "I'll get anything for my girl." He got up and winked before turning around and smirking, leaving me needy and looking like a tomato.

Oh man.

~Last class of the day~

"Alright guys! Pass the tests to the front!" Once I collected them all, I dismissed them. "Go home, don't party, stay in, study, don't smoke, don't be silly and wrap your willy, go to the gym, help your mom cleaning the house and your dad with the lawn. Have a great weekend!"

My baby😻💞: coming over to your classroom

Me: waiting with my arms wide open

My baby😻💞: you better be

My baby😻💞: or i'll never talk to you ever again

Me: shut up

Me: and come over already

My baby😻💞: locking the gym

My baby😻💞: wait your ass up

Me: can't wait to kiss those lips of yours

My baby😻💞: you have no idea was I was thinking all day. You don't even want to know😏

Me: can you show me?

My baby😻💞: definitely


What up people?! 🤑💖

Christmas is near!!

What do you want for Christmas?🎅🏼🎄

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