Chapter 17

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Leah's Pov

"Alright ma'am, all the tests came out good which I told you about." The nurse informed. "One more week and you are ready to go."

"Thanks doctor." He smiled and left the room. Christina was still wiping tears here and there but right now I don't care.

"Who was that at the phone?" Curiosity build inside me. She shrugs and exhales.

"Should I tell you from the beginning?" She asks after she wipe her tears. I nod signaling her to go.

"It all started when we were at a party..." She breaths in and out before continuing.

"We where at this party. Patrick's house; we were teenagers back then." She makes contact with me.

"If you feel uncomfortable tell me, please." She warns.

"We were having a round of truth or dare and many other games who where involved with sex and stuff. Then, this girl dared me to sleep with two guys." She stops for a brief moment to ask if I'm ok. I nod.

"Then, this uh, two guys offered to have sex with me... Harry and other guy. So I slept with them. You weren't at the party, I remember." I gasp, eyes wide open and jaw almost touching the floor.

"You slept with my husband? You son of a b-"

"You were boyfriend and girlfriend back then." She interrupts before I finish the sentence.

"That doesn't matter! You slept with my husband you fucking slut!" By now I was fuming only realizing what is happening now day. Today.

I gasp and cover my mouth. "No, that can't be- No, no, no!" I repeat and make eye contact with the girl who I call my best friend. Well, ex-best friend now.

"Does that mean that... Harry is the father of your twins?"

"Not only Harry. But Niall too."

"You are so dead." I say standing from the bed and charging at her. I ignored the pain and hit her straight in the jaw. She made an 'umph' sound and hits me back. I slap her face again harder this time. She grips my hair and yanks it back.

"This is what you get for sleeping with my husband." I growl and turn around smashing my leg on her stomach.

"You are just a little slut who couldn't keep her legs closed." I kick her stomach again and she falls to the cold hospital floor. She cries out.

"This is what you get for lying to me." I get on top of her and punch her face repeatedly. She groans and grab my hands who where in fists and turns us over. The tall machine with little wheels colliding with the bed nearly nocking over a lamp.

"You were the bitch who was stupid, nerd and innocent. Harry and I were fucking all the time behind your back." She finally speaks. That hit me like a ton of bricks.

She smashes my face with her fists. I just gave up and let her beat me to death. My arms and legs spread open like a star fish as she continues to beat me.

"Now is a good time to tell you that I'm pregnant again." She stop with her violent punches for a moment. Blood falling for her knuckles and now a bloody shirt. "But don't get too excited. It's Niall's." She chuckles and kicks me one last time when she gets up.

"Good luck with getting up." She does this soldier wave, two fingers touch her forehead then moving them forward.

"Go to hell." I croak out. My throat dry from the previous assault. I cough a couple of times. I put my hands on the cold floor and try to get up but failed.

"Do you need help? Oh, poor baby." She pouts dramatically and smirks.

"Call Harry so he can help you. I mean if you still want to be with him." I groan as she said that. My stomach hurts and I have a horrible headache.

I beat her pretty good. She has a broken nose, a swollen lip and bloody eyebrows.

"Kylie is Niall's and Brittany is Harry's for the final touch. See you in million years sucker." And she left me there. Beat up and broken, crying myself until I fell asleep on the floor.


Hi. :)

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