Chapter 19

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Leah's Pov

Walking around the city made calm down a bit.

"That'll be five dollars with forty five cents." The old lady smiled. Paying my drink, I walked some more around. My phone buzzed.


"Me and Liam broke up." Was the first thing I heard.

"Why Sophia? You guys were perfect!" I squeaked finding a spot on a bench.

"Yeah, until he went to a club with Niall and slept with some slut." She was crying. I could tell by the way she was breathing and hiccups cutting off her words.

"Oh." Was all I could say. Memories flooded back to Harry and I earlier. "Want me to come over?"

"Yes. Please."

Going to Sophia's place, I knocked twice. I heard movement inside the house only to be face to face with Liam.

"What are you doing here? You bastard."

"Leah, stop." I didn't notice that a stepped closer to Liam with my hands balled into tight fists.

"I came here to talk to my girlfriend. What are you doing here?" I decided to ignore him and go upstairs with Sophia.

"Tell me. Did you broke up or not?" I demanded. She put her hands on her head mumbling.

"I don't know."

"He doesn't deserve you." I stated her. She nodded.

"If he doesn't treat you right by now, you're gone." I continued. I placed my arms around her.

"I'm gone." She replied. I smiled at her decision and rubbed her back. She shakes her head sighing.

"Now go chop his dick off." I joked and she giggled going downstairs. Not even thirty seconds and I already hear yelling. My phone buzzed every now and then. As always.

"What do you want?" I snapped already knowing who it is.

"Come on, Leah. You can't be joking! I don't want divorce. You don't even have proof that Brittany is my kid." He snapped right back at me.

"Then why at the hospital she beat me up and told me that Kylie is Niall's and she is yours? My best friend told me that you slept with her... Behind my back Harry!"

"That was when? Four? Five years ago?!" Is he serious right now?

"Yeah. Five years when we were boyfriend and girlfriend back then!" By now I was shouting.

"You know what. I'm done." And he hung up.

I threw my phone to the wall. The screen cracked and a broken phone laid on the floor. Hot tears escaping my eyes. I curled into a ball in the bed. Rocking myself back and forth.

The noise downstairs decreased. Tomorrow at the first our I am going to get those divorce papers before I regret it. Poor Barbara, I guess she doesn't know anything about this.

"Open up Leah." Sophia's soft voice interrupted my thoughts. "Harry is downstairs."

My body went rigid. "Tell him I'm not here." I hold up more sobs from escaping but it was useless. I buried my face on my hands.

"Too late for that. Him and Liam are furious. I'm scared going downstairs." She said. I shook my head and my breath hitched when I heard footsteps get closer to the room.

"Lock the door quick!" She ran to the door but it was too late because an angry Harry and a pissed off Liam appeared at the door.

"Harry what do you want? What is done, is done. We are going to be divorced and never going to see each other again!" He lowly chuckled and walked over to me. He bent down on his knees to be eye level with me.

"I think you are going to regret that decision later love. See you later." With that he kissed my forehead. I pushed him back causing his to stumble a little but he controlled himself.

He smirked at me and left with Liam. Sophia and I looked at each other confused.

"What did he told you?" I asked her immediately. She sigh and closed her eyes for a brief second.

"You go first."

"He said that I was going to regret divorcing him and shit." I frowned looking at the floor.

"He- he told me that this isn't over." Sophia said with tears covering her eyes.

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