Chapter 4

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Leah's Pov

The students in high school were misbehaving. All the teachers and students are going to have a reunion at the gym.

Harry and I are waiting at my classroom for Mrs. Lopez to tell us to go to the gym through the intercom.

"We should start thinking about names for him" Harry said rubbing my belly.

Then an idea came to my mind.

"Hey, why don't we tell everyone about the baby?" I asked at him.

"Are you sure about that? I mean we can tell the principal first or something. Not just go there and say you're pregnant." He said.

"Then lets tell her now." I said and stood up. We walked to her office and Harry knocked on her door. We heard a 'come in' Harry opened the door for me and sat on the chairs infront of her desk.

"Mr. and Mrs. Styles, what brings you here today?" She asked smiling at us.

"We have some news to tell you." I said to her. She looked panicked.

"Are you guys going to quit? You two are the best teachers in the school apart from Mr. Tomlinson, Payne, Malik and Horan. We won't have someone to replace you guys. Are you going to say good news or bad news?" She began speaking very fast.

"Don't worry about us quitting Lopez we are not going to quit." I said and she sighed of relief. Harry chuckled.

"Good news." Harry said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Well..? What are the good news?" She asked.

"I'm pregnant" I said and removed my jacket to show her my belly. She stood up and hugged us.

"Oh My God this is so great. Congratulations!" She said her eyes tearing up. She grabbed tissues to wipe her tears.

"Oh come on Lopez! Don't cry! You're gonna make me cry!" I said giggling and wiping the tears that escaped with my thumb.

"I'm sorry its just... so beautiful." She said. "You should tell everyone at the gym, at the end of the reunion."

"Yeah." I smiled at her and we began walking to the gym where the students sit on the the bleachers. Harry grabbed a chair and sat on it, telling me to sit on his lap.

One long hour later when Lopez finished talking.

"Oh and one more thing." She said handing me the microphone. Harry and I stood up. He wrapped his arm around my waist making the students 'aww'. Harry chuckled and I began.

"As Mrs. Lopez was saying. You guys are great students, I don't know what happened so you guys became like this. Ok so, Mr. Styles and I have some news to tell you. I think this will change those sad faces of yours." They began to be impatient and screamed at us to tell them.

"We are going to have a baby." I said and the gym fell silent. Very silent.

Suddenly, everyone stood up and started cheering and whistling. I heard someone scream very loudly. And I mean VERY loud. I looked to the right and saw Louis screaming like a maniac. Niall beside him laughing so hard his face was red. I giggled and Harry chucked.

The students began chanting 'KISS,KISS,KISS' I blushed and looked up at Harry and he leaned down and kissed me passionately. Harry pulled away and smiled at me with those dimples.

Everyone started cheering again. But louder this time.

"Ok that was it! Return to your classes!" Mrs. Lopez said smiling to them. They started walking out of the gym.

"I love you." Harry said.

"I love you more." I said and wrapped my arms around his neck kissing him. His arms around my waist.

"GET SOME MR. STYLES!" Someone interrupted us. I looked at the door and saw that Leo and more students cheering. Harry threw his head back laughing -his arms still around my waist-.

"Go back to class." He smirked and we began walking back to my classroom. People congratulating us as we walked in the halls to my classroom.

Harry opened the door for me and closed the door behind him.

Man this school is crazy.

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