Chapter 12

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Leah's Pov

I feel Harry tense and glare at the man,

"Ello, love, c'mere one sec." He smirks at me, then winking. He had a big scar on his left cheek, and a black dragon tattooed in his left arm.

"She ain't going anywhere near you and that fucking animal." Harry said through gritted teeth still glaring at him.

I looked around and realized that everyone was out of their tents. More like forced to move out. Girls behind their boyfriend's backs.

"Say that one more time, motherfucker." He threatened pointing the gun to Harry's chest. I gasp and hold Harry's hand tightly to tell him to shut up.

Harry remained silent,

"That's what I thought." He spat, he pointed the gun to me. Harry covered me blocking almost everything ahead of me. I looked thought his shoulder, shaking in fear.

"You, c'mere." I whimpered and Harry looked down at me. I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Harry nods his head and whispers,

"Shh, its going to be alright." More tears escaped my eyes.

"NOW!" He yelled at me making me wince. I leaned up and kiss Harry's lips.

"I love you." I whispered, kissing his lips again.

"I love you too. Be careful." He gave me one last kiss, rubbing my stomach. I walked slowly to the horrendous man, making a good distance between us. His eyes traveled down to my stomach.

"Oh." Was all he said. Silence filled the whole forest except the lion that kept looking at the others growling. His eyes stayed glued to my stomach. Suddenly, he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I tried to move back but his grip would tight around me. Harry had an angry look on his face and took a step forward. He immediately raised his gun to my head.

"I sweard to God, Ma-" Harry started but got cut off.

"I'll tell you again. Say another word, take one more motherfucking step and you'll see what's going to happen." I chorus of gasps were heard and cries. I gulped and shook my head, eyes wide looking back at Harry's. He steps back to his original position.


"SHUT UP!" He yells in my ear making me jump, pressing the gun harder against my head. His phone rang and he lowers the gun once again.

"Hello?... Yeah... Yeah, there all here..." He pauses and turns around towards the others. "She's with me... She's pregnant... No, I want to do it..." I look back at Harry to see his fist clenched.

He looks at each of the boys mouthing things to them. They nod and Harry mouths to me,


'What about you?' I mouth back and he mouths again,

'Run with the girl. Until 3.' Tears built in my eyes but I wipe them off.

"I think that a good idea... No he owes me-"

"3!" Zayn was the first to run to the lake catching the lion's attention, he climbs a tree as fast as he can waving his hands to distract the lion. All the boys charge at him, in result of dropping his phone and gun.

"LEAH, COME ON!" A voice yelled yanking my hand. I try to run as fast as I can but I keep looking back to Harry who is beating the shit out of him. The boys too.

That must caught the lion's attention because it ran towards the group of people jumping on them.

The lion roared scaring the life out of me.


I felt the most extremely painful thing in the world before I was tackled to the ground.

"LEAH?! LEAH WAKE UP PLEASE!" Someone shaking me but all I could see was double and blurry. A gun shot was heard then footsteps approaching. I tried moving and screamed. I wriggled my fingers, only to find out I was lying on the hard, rocky road. Blood spilling out of my arms running down my fingers.

"GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY!" Sirens were beginning to be heard. Someone placed my head in its lap as the familiar voice whispers in my ear.

"Leah, please baby, stay with me, look at me." I tilted my head up locking my eyes with green ones. I screamed again shutting my eyes tightly, man the pain was unbelievable.

His face was red, five bloody lines were on his cheek and neck. The lion's claws.

"I love you, Harry." I croaked out opening my eyes.

"Hey, hey, don't close your eyes, keep looking at me." He glanced at me then over his shoulders. Loud sirens filled my ears, I winced at the loud noise and gripped into Harry's shirt bringing him down. Right now I didn't care about the pain. I whimpered but manage to kiss his lips. Tears falling.

"Tell my f-family I-I love them." I whispered.

"I love you, open your eyes, princess." Tears now falling from his eyes, turning red from the blood of his cheek.

"Stay strong." Were the last words I spoke, my eyes slowly closing as it was harder to breath each second.

"Leah? LEAH! NO PLEASE, WAKE UP, LEAH! I NEED YOU, BABY!" He pleaded crying harder each time he said something.

"Sir, I need you to move." An unfamiliar voice spoke. I felt Harry fight against who was trying to get him away from me.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" Harry's voice shouted, then his touch on me was gone.

"NOO-!" Was the last thing I heard before completely darkness took over me.


Let's get this drama started, huh?

Thank you sooooo so so so much for the 1k readers! I wrote this chapter as a MASSIVE BIG thank you. I honestly thought that I wouldn't have many readers.

Anyways, today was the seconds day of school and seconds day I saw my crush! But he has a girlfriend😢

That's so sad...

Anyways do you have a crush on someone? Or someone has a crush on you? *wink wink*

Thanks to @EsteeStyles ! I dedicate this chapter for you girl ;) Thank you for the lovely votes and comments!

Go check out her stories! They're awesome!

If you want a shoutout or dedication or whatever you want to call it... just vote and comment😉

Love y'all❤️


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