Chapter 2

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Leah's Pov

I woke up and my legs hurt like a bitch from last night. I tried to stand up and walk but failed and fell to the floor with a thump. That 'quickie' as Harry called it turned to be rough sex. I tried again and made my way to the bathroom holding walls to prevent myself from falling again. Two days ago was supposed to be my period. I missed my period. I lifted my shirt and my belly was a bit bigger than before. What if I am pregnant? I pushed my thoughts aside and I looked at myself in the mirror. 

"Oh.My.God" I was shocked at the reflection in the mirror. I was full of hickeys, literally in my entire body I had hickeys. 

"HAROLD EDWARD STYLES COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. Harry came looking scared. 

"What happend? Oh.." He smirked at me once he saw the masterpiece he made me and stated laughing like a maniac. He had a few hickeys on the neck but not as much as me.

"How am I suppose to work like this?! Huh? Its not funny!" I tried not to laugh but my giggle give it away and started laughing at him. Heeey laughing is contagious. He shook his head still laughing and turned around to walk away. I gasped and looked at his back. Full of scratches. I laughed because today his class was at the pool. He had to take off his shirt so. I smirked.

"Harry your class today is at the pool right?" He nodded, "You might leave your shirt on for the rest of the class because you don't want anyone see those scratches on your back, right?" I smirked again but wider. My smirk dissapeared as I put my hand on my mouth and the other on my stomach and turned quickly throwing up in the toilet.


"Good morning class." I said smiling at everyone.

"Good morning Miss Styles." They said together.

"Today we are discussing the pages we did yesterday." I went to my desk and sat on my chair. The wind from the window made my hair move back and show my neck. Fuck.

I quickly tried to fix my hair before anyone noticed but it was too late.

"Miss are those hickeys?" Aiden smirked looking at my neck. The class gasped and looked at me.

"Um no I just fell a-and hit my neck with the coffe table." I said hesitantly.

"Damn, how many times you fell?" Aiden question. "Ok you got me, those are hickeys." I admited. "And you must know who did it right?" I don't know why I always end up talk with them about this topic. They nodded.

"Obviously Mr.Styles did it." The class laughed. "I want to see Mr.Styles if he has hickeys too or scratches. Today we have class at the pool." "If he has scratches or hickeys, tease him about it and if he gets angry tell him that I ordered you guys to tease him." I said smirking.

"This is why you are our favorite teacher!" Someone declared and everyone agreed.

"Thank you guys but we have to discuss the book. On next friday you have test of chapter 1."


Lunch Time

I waited for Harry to come. He finally entered the classroom. He glared at me.

"Don't do that again." he scolded at me. I gave him my best puppy face. "I'm sowwy." I said in a baby voice, stood up in my tip toes and wraped my arms around his neck. He wraped his arms around my waist. We looked at eachother in the eyes. God I love those emerald eyes. He leaned in and closes his eyes, I copied his action and he kissed me. His tongue licked my bottom lip asking for permission but I denied him. He groaned and cupped my ass making me squeak he quickly slipped his tongue in my mouth and smirked. I pulled his curls making him  moan, he pushed me against the wall and grabbed my thighs lifting me up, me wrapping my legs around his waist. We kept kissing until someone cleared their throat. Harry and I turned to look at the person.

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