Chapter 11

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"Wake up Leah." Someone screamed in my ear, a smack and 'ow' was heard shortly after. I jumped up with wide eyes looking at Barbara rubbing her neck and Perrie glaring at her.

"Leave her alone peasant. Its not even five minutes since she fell asleep." Perrie snapped at her. Eleanor snickered and pointed to the lake. Niall and Liam nearly dying of laughter while Harry, Zayn and Louis were soaked wet.

"WHAT THE FUCK MAN?!" Harry yelled at both of them; Harry quickly got out of the water and tackled Niall. They started wrestling playfully until loud 'bang' was heard.

"The fuck was that?" Eleanor looked around the forest. The loud noise was heard again and I saw Harry running towards me.

"THOSE ARE GUN SHOTS! EVERYONE INSIDE THE TENTS!" Louis shouted and grabbed Eleanor. The shots were getting louder and nearer. I couldn't move, even think. Harry scooped me in his arms before I could realize what was happening he ran to our tent. He zipped and looked down at me.

"What's happening?" I said barely in a whisper.

"I dunno but its not safe." BANG. I jumped in Harry's arms terrified. I saw a shadow walk in the middle of all our tents near the fire.

"Harry." I whimpered and nuzzled my face in his neck. He rubbed my back telling me that everything is going to be fine. A roar is heard seconds later making me freeze.

"Well, well, well." Deep voice started talking, I watched as it walked around each tent. Leaves crumbling with every step it took.

"Looks like you'll have dinner later Marcus." The same deep voice said again patting the head of something looking like a... mane?

I gasp as the shadow pointed its gun to a tent before saying,

"Get out or you'll die." Tears starting to fall from my eyes. This is it. We are going to die.

"Shh, shh. I love you baby. I'll keep you both safe no matter what." Harry tried to calm me down but it was no use. I looked up at him and pressed our lips together. I could taste my tears on the kiss but I didn't care, this was probably the last kiss we were going to have.

"Harry we are going to die." I shook my head once we pulled away, my voice cracking and tears falling again. He took my chin between his thumb and index finger.

"Do not say that Leah. I'll take a fucking a bullet for you, I'd swim the entire fucking ocean if something happened to you, I'd jump in front of a train for you, I put you first instead of my fucking self, no matter what. Don't you understand? You know I'll do anything for you. You have to be strong. At least for me, for the baby, please. No matter what you'll promise me to fight and never give up." I nodded and tried to smile but failed.

"Say it." He demanded tightening his grip on my chin.

"I promise you Harry." He wiped my tears away and kissed me passionately.

"So this must be the Styles then. Get out."

"I don't want to Harry, m' scared." I whimper and Harry frowned.

"I am too."

"Five seconds to get out or you're dead."

"Remember the promise." He kissed me and pulled me up. Once we were outside Harry pulled me behind him immediately. I gripped into his shirt with one hand and the other intertwined with his fingers.

"Ahh! Finally with the family that I've been looking for many months ago. Isn't that right Marcus?" I looked past Harry's shoulder to find an gigantic lion. My eyes widened and looked at the person's shoes. My eyes travelled to his pants, black skinny; white shirt.

I gasped loudly when I looked at the face that I never wanted to see again in my life.

"Long time, no see Leah Styles." He smirked.



Cast: ⬇️⬇️

Jade Thirlwall as Leah
Harry Styles as himself
Louis Tomlinson as himself
Liam Payne as himself
Zayn Malik as himself
Niall Horan as himself
Eleanor as Eleanor Calder
Perrie as Perrie Edwards (soon Malik ;))
Barbara as Barbara Palvin
Sophia as Sophia Smith

The others I'll add them later so you don't know who this 'guy' is 😏

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