Chapter 25

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Sorry for mistakes :)


*Five months later*

Leah's Pov

I woke up by a huge, unexpected pain in my stomach. My back was pressed to Harry's bare chest and his right hand on top of my pregnant belly. I sigh and closed my eyes hoping for the pain to go away. I thought the pain was going to stop and let me sleep again, but it didn't.

I gripped my stomach, my hand brushing Harry's as I rubbed it. The pain was gone. I sigh in relief and cuddled closer to Harry.

Again, I felt the same pain, but stronger. I sat up and panted. "Stop kiddos, let me sleep." I mumbled to my stomach and laid back down. Harry shuffled closer to me and wrapped him arm around my waist. Harry was out as a light and did not notice my pain and struggle. The clock on the nightstand with red numbers read, 1:07am.

The pain went away again. But came back stronger than before. I screamed and sat up again holding my stomach with both hands, and at that same time I felt water rushing down between my legs.

"Harry." He didn't even flinch. I shook him.

"Harry!" I shook him harder and he moved just a little. He groaned and moved away from me.

"Harold Edward Styles! You get up right now unless you don't want me to pop this babies out of my vagina in this bed!" With that he shot up from the bed, wide eyes alarmed and he ran out of the bedroom to the hall and started running. I slowly got up from the bed and waddled towards him. I leaned on the doorframe and just looked at him. He was running in the hall with his hands in his hair, entering each room and exiting with nothing in his hands.

I started cracking up because of him.

"Harry, stop making me laugh. It hurts!"

"I'm not doing fucking anything! Fuck! What was I looking for?!" He went to the nursery and got back with nothing in his hands. I was still bursting out laughing and holding my stomach.

"Get the bag from the nursery, idiot." I went to the bathroom and got changed from my wet pajamas then brushing my teeth.

"Right, the bag. Where's the fucking bag?" I heard Harry's footsteps running around the nursery. I gripped the counter and closed my eyes, inhaling and exhaling. I got out of the bathroom and went to the nursery to find Harry with two big bags in his hand.

"Come on, baby. Let's go." He swings both bags on his shoulders before carrying me bridal style all the way to his car. It was all black outside, except the poles lightning the street. Harry put me on the passenger seat and ran to the driver's seat and starts driving to the hospital.

"Mother? Yeah, Leah's in labor... Yes, we are on our way to the hospital... Yeah... Hold on..." He puts his phone down and asks me, "On a scale of one to ten, how bad is the pain?" I close my eyes and scream, "eleven."

"Shit." He mumbles before telling Anne. "Tell the others, mum. I'm parking, talk to to you later." He parks the car and comes to my side and carrying me again. He enters the hospital and screams,

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