Chapter 5

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Leah's Pov


"Pass me the sauce babe." Harry said pointing to the Alfredo sauce. I was craving for pasta so he was making me pasta Alfredo. Yummy. I stood up from the chair and passed him the sauce. I wrapped my arms around his torso and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Mmm smells good." I said kissing his cheek. He smiled and turned around to face me. He wrapped his strong arms around my waist and looked at me in the eyes.

"Anything for you baby girl." I smiled at the nickname and peck his lips and pulled away. He cupped my face with both of his hands and kissed me again. I had to stand on my tip toes, you know because I'm short as hell. He laughed at me.

"Don't laugh at my shortness!" I said pouting. He started laughing again at me while I stand there looking at his beautiful face. They way his eyes close as crinkles apeared beside them. They way his dimples show and his beautiful smile. Oh my god.

"Aww you're just so cute. I love you." He replied. I smiled.

"I love you too. But the food is burning!" I yelled the last part looking at the pasta. He quickly let me go and turned off the stove. He searched for two plates ans served pasta in both plates. He puts the plates on the table and sat down. I followed his actions.

"Can you get me a bottle of water?" I asked. He nodded and dissapeared to the kitchen, returning with the bottle.

"Thank you." I smiled at him and started eating. I moaned at the taste of the pasta. Harry groaned.

"Baby don't do that. It will make me hard." He looked at me serious and then smirked. I blushed and looked down embarrased. I don't know why I'm so embarrased if we have done more things than moan and him with his dirty words. But I decided to play with him. I moaned again.

"This tastes so good. Ugh." I said, then bitting on the fork looking at him seductively. His eyes turned dark with lust. He groaned again.

"Don't tease me." He practically growled glaring at me. I ignored him and continued making sexual noises. I lifted my leg under the table and spread his legs rubbing his already hard bulge softly with my foot. He was about to touch my foot, I stood up from the chair and went to wash the dishes. Leaving him with his jaw opened.

"You are gonna pay for that later you know?" He growls. I acted like I was scared. He chuckled.

"You know if you weren't pregnant I would fuck you on the counter you know? We will probably have sex even if you are pregnant. Believe me." He said walking towards me. I bit my lip, knowing it was his biggest turn on and when I pulled his hair. He groaned and lifted me up on the counter. Him standing between my legs. I wrapped my legs around his torso pulling him closer to me, arms around his neck pulling at his hair softly.

"Really?" I asked and moved my hair to one side. He took the message and started kissing my neck. "Mhm" He continued to kiss my neck. He bited below my earlobe and I moaned. "Found it." He mumbled and bited there again sucking on the skin. I squeezed his biceps as he sucked hard on the spot, then he licked it. He pulled away and kissed me passionately. I placed my hands on his chest, then under his shirt feeling his abs. I pulled his shirt over his head, throwing it on the floor. We continued kissing hungrily. His tongue asking for entrance. I opened my mouth letting him explore around. He took my shirt off, unclasping my bra letting it fall to the floor. He started massaging my breasts, then the doorbell rang.

"What a cockblock." Harry mumbled irritated. The bell continued to ring. He gave me my bra and shirt. Then adjusting himself in his pants. Still ringing the doorbell. "WAIT A BLOODY SECOND!" Harry shouted at the door.

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