Chapter 15

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Sorry for the mistakes 😊 enjoy


Harry's Pov

24 missed calls from Leah Styles(;

I quickly drove to the hospital, honking to the old man who was 3mph. I dodged the car and speed off. I lock the car and ran to the reception.

"Leah Styles. Same room right?" The old lady nods and I ran to the elevator.

"He does not answer any of my calls-" Leah's cranky voice was cut of by me opening the door. There she was. Laying on the bed, staring right at me.

"Harry." She finally croaked out. I engulf her in a big hug, kissing her lips repeatedly.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't here when you woke up. I had a match. But I was with you four weeks straights." I frown looking at her brown eyes. Tears escape her eyes burying her head on my chest. We stayed in silence. No one saying a word. Just Leah's sobs and hiccups.

"The baby. Harry, we lost the baby. We lost Aiden." She cried griping my shirt in her fist.

"I know, I know." I kiss her hair. Suddenly she hits my chest repeatedly. I grab both of her hands and she struggles to hit me again.

"Why aren't you crying? Are you happy that we lost our baby?" She yells at me as more tears -if that's possible- fall from her eyes.

"Honestly, I don't cry because I cried the whole four fucking weeks. Waiting for you to wake up. I was devastated, grief, heartbroken, everything bad that someone could feel. I'm here to support you know. I want to be strong for you, to comfort you. To protect you." I whisper placing my hands on both of her cheeks.

"I'm sorry." She mumbles back and I nod kissing her forehead. A knock interrupted us. Later, Barbara, Eleanor, Louis, Liam, Sophia, Niall and Perrie appeared.

"Oh Leah." Eleanor cried hugging her. "We were so worried about you."

"It's ok. I'm fine now." She tried her best to smile but she couldn't, instead tears filled her eyes.

"No, no you're not." Eleanor says again brushing a piece of hair out of her forehead.

"I was so happy that we were having a baby. But now I lost it. Killed it. I'm such a horrible person." She cried on her hands and shook her head.

"Hey, you're not a horrible person. It was an accident. And you know we could always try again." I finally told her. She wiped her tears and said,

"You know, that's gonna take a long time for me to forget. I mean, I will never forget what happened. It's all my fault. If I didn't ran with you girls, I would be fine. Still pregnant." Leah sobs and hugs me. I whispered comforting things to her, trying to calm down.

"Leah Styles, you have to wait one more week and you are ready to go home." The nurse informed us. "We are going to do some tests and we can check if you can go sooner." Then she left.

"Where's Christina?" Leah asks.

"She's babysitting her nieces." Niall tells her and wraps his arm on Barbara's waist.

"What were her names again?" She asks again to him.

"Kylie and Brittany. They're five and go to our school." Yeah and she's always on my office; Kylie.

"No offense but, Kylie kinda looks like Harry. A little bit." Perrie laughs.

"Can you change the topic." Leah rolled her eyes and try to cross her arms.

There was an awkward silence.

"We are gonna head off. We could give you guys some privacy." Liam demands and shoves Louis' shoulder and nods. They said their goodbyes and left the room.

"We could try again soon." I broke the awkward silence, looking at her. She sighs and replies,

"Harry, it's not that easy, you know it."

"I know but-" I was cut off by the door. The same nurse that came earlier.

"I have some good and bad news for both of you." Leah nods her head signaling her to continue.

"We finished some your results. They came out positive, so you are good to go. You don't have to wait one week." I smiled and grab Leah's hand. She smiles back happy and sadly at the same time.

"The bad news are that you can't do much activities. You have to relax and stay in bed most of the time."

"It's not that bad." I told Leah, kissing her hand.

"Oh, I wasn't finished, sir." I bit my lip and ruffle my hair then down my face. She clears her throat then sighs.

"The accident was big and very effective." She stops and looks to the board with notes in her hands. "Like I said, we finishes all the test. I'm very, very sorry. But-."

"Can you tell already?!" Leah snaps to the nurse as I rub circles on the hand.

"You can't have kids anymore." I felt my whole world crash down. Leah tensed beside me and quickly covered her mouth trying to prevent screams.

"I'm very sorry. You have to come back in two months to pick up all of your results." The nurse said one more time and left. I let go of Leah's hand and punch the wall next to the door.

"Fuck! Why do bad things always happen to us!" I yelled at the top of my lungs and exit the room slamming it behind me. I made my way to my car and punched the hood many times. I sat down and gripped the steering wheel. I examined my bloody hand but I didn't give a fuck about it.

You can't have kids anymore.

You can't have kids anymore.

I didn't think five words could cause so much pain and ruin everything.

I went to the place I promised myself not to go again.

"Styles. You have to deliver some things to this place." Mr. Henderson hands me a paper with some names on it.

"Here you go." He gave me a bag full of money and drugs.



Raise you hand if you want to kill me. 🙋✋


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