Chapter 22

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Leah's Pov

His thrust were going harder and faster every second. It was too much. If the headboard of the bed is hitting the wall, is too much. He groaned and spilled his load inside me. I winced when he pulled out without a warning.

Harry stood up without a word, and left towards the bathroom. I stayed there, not moving any muscle. You could only hear the sound of the shower and the AC on.

After fifteen minutes the water came to a stop. I quickly shot up from the bed and dressed myself with the first thing I saw on the floor. With was Harry's shirt along with my panties.

The bathroom door opened and Harry walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist. He dropped it and changed to some black boxers and basketball shorts.

I came back to the bed, bringing the sheets up to my chest. I sighed and closed my eyes. My core was throbbing. He was rough yet again. And I couldn't do anything about it.

"I love you." Harry whispered in my ear. Asshole. Liar. He kissed my forehead and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest. My back colliding with his bare torso.

"I know you are awake." He said. "Liam sent me a picture of a positive pregnancy test." My body froze at his words. Sophia is pregnant? Jeez.

What if I could be pregnant? Oh, never mind, I forgot I can't have kids. Life is unfair. Women always go through pain. They have to give birth, the have periods, they have to cook, take care of the house, they have to do everything. Men only go to work and get drunk with their friends. That's in my case with Harry.

🐹 🍃

The next day was boring.

"Why are you so quiet?" Harry asks as he chews on his cereal. I shrug and continue with my sandwich.

Every day was the same.

The other day I stayed home while Harry did some things to his car.

The next day, I felt weak. I threw up the whole fucking day.

The next day, I felt the same.

The next day, I went to the store and brought a pregnancy test. I don't know why, but I did.

One month later.

Harry was still the same asshole.

My hormones were all over the place. I kept throwing up the whole day. I am sick. I am sick of him. Sick of everything.

"Harry, I am going to the doctor's."


"Because I am sick. But you are so fucking oblivious to things... I just, ugh, bye. See you later." I groaned and opened the door to the porch.


"I am so sorry, again. We gave you the wrong results. Have a good day, Leah." The doctor said and I left the hospital, going home.

"Are you sick?" Was the first thing Harry asked.

"No." I answered angrily. "They gave me the wrong paper results about the accident. You got me fucking pregnant with fucking triplets."



The chapter was short but unexpected. Right?

Did you missed me? I bet you did.

You weren't expecting that. Neither did I. Lol.


This book is coming to an end. Probably 3 more chapters and an epilogue.

I will try and make them long.


^^ If you still read this story.

I love you. The ones that vote and comment. You guys motivate me to continue writing (you know who you are).

Again, thanks for staying and reading this book. It means a LOT!❤️

I am so mad. When I was in Houston with my family things were perfect. When I came back to Puerto Rico, FIVE DAYS LATER, I saw on twitter that 1D was in the Nasa filming Drag Me Down. I LITERALLY CRIED. I COULD OF SAW THEM AKBDQLMFJDAK STILL MAD AF😒😠

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