Chapter 21

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Sorry for mistakes😉 enjoy

Leah's Pov

I woke up to loud music blaring through the whole house. Groaning, I sit up on the bed. I noticed that Harry is not here. The white blankets covering my naked body. Suddenly, flashbacks of last night invaded my mind, it was terrible. I remember perfectly the way he treated me. Pulling hard on my hair, spanking the hell out of me, he used handcuffs, vibrators and he blindfolded me.

I rub my face before leaning back against the head board. I turn my head to the night stand.


Dressing myself, going to the bathroom and walking out of his room, I went to the kitchen to find a hamster in a little cage. I mentally awed before patting its head.

The music stops.


"Morning." I replied almost inaudible.

"I see you liked the hamster."


"Sorry. How I treated you last night. That wasn't a way of treating a lady." He scratched the back of his neck. I closed the cage and leaned on the counter.

He was wearing everything black. Beanie, shirt, jeans and shoes. Kinda hot I guess.


There was silence. My heart beating fast. My breath hitching every now and then. Hands shaking.

That's how I feel when he takes a step towards me. Like now.

My breath hitched. "Do you forgive me, baby?" He said, placing his left hand on my right cheek. I flinched at the touch.

"I'm not going to hurt you."

You already did, asshole.

"I love you. You know that, right?" I continued to ignore him. Looking away, I start stroking the hamster's head.

"That's for you, I bought it for you." The brown, little, chubby animal full of fur, now was running in the little red wheel. I mentally aww at it.

I kept staring at it. Harry cupped my face with both of his hands and forced me to look at him. My blue eyes connected with his green mysterious ones.

"We have to go to work tomorrow. Everybody's worried about you." He mumbled, stroking my cheeks with his thumb. He started leaning in to kiss me, I almost gave in but pushed his chest at the last minute.

"I'm gonna go shower." I informed, he frowned and I moved to the right trying to walk past him but he blocked my way.


"Why are you acting like this?" He asked. I looked at him frowning.

"You know why." I trailed off, crossing my arms over my chest and shaking my head. He got the message and pulled his hand from my face.

"Oh, I don't know. Please enlighten me." He leaned again but this time to trap me between his body and the counted, both hands on either side of me resting on the counter. His face was centimeters away from mine. I had to look up at him, damn him and his height.

"It is about last night, right?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded. He bit his lip as he looked down at my chest.

"Eyes are up here." I snapped. He smirked and licked his lips.

"I'll tell you one thing," He started. He licked his lips again, then put his mouth next to my ear. His hair brushing my cheek, tickling a bit.

"I look wherever my eyes want. You can't control that." His voice deep and husky. "You can't tell me what to do."

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