Chapter 10

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Leah's Pov

"I call Just Dance 3." Louis exclaimed starting his Xbox. I was currently wrapped in a blanket. The night was very cold. I tried to create more warmth but it was impossible.

"Who wants to go against the Sass Master from Doncaster." he said and snapped his fingers in a 'Z' form. Everyone looked at Eleanor who rolled her eyes and stood up.

"Ready to lose Tomlinson?" She says seductively and, ok Eleanor. Louis smirks at her before playing Barbra Streisand.

"Ha! Told ya that I was gonna win." Louis said winking to Eleanor.

"What do you want me to do?" Eleanor asked. Louis smirked at her, whispering something in her ear. She blushed and smacked his chest.

"Later." She said to him.

"Ok we don't wanna hear both of you moaning at night." Perrie said in a disgusted voice cuddling to Zayn.

"Oh c'mon you're just jealous that Zayn won't give it to you." Eleanor says to her.

"Oh, you're challenging me?" Perrie raises her an eyebrow before smirking.

"Everybody make sure to have earplugs when you're sleeping." Perrie said and added and evil laugh at the end. Zayn kissed her and whispered something in her ear.

"Are y'all kidding me? I want to sleep peacefully not with moans interrupting my sleep." Barbara whined and cuddled to Niall which wrapped his arm around her.

"We can make a competition." Sophia added smirking.

"Yeah us boys can make one on how good we make our girls feel." Niall said too, and here I am listening to their rules of the competition, while m' craving for Starbucks.

"Who screams the loudest wins." Liam made the final rule. Where's Harry when you need him?

"Deal?" Zayn asks everyone.

"Deal" Everyone agrees and Barbara got Niall's snapback and wrote all of the girls names and put them inside the snapback.

"M' here!" I heard Harry's voice yell before he appeared in the living room.

"What's with the smirks? Did I miss something?" He asks them and gives me a bag of Starbucks. Giving me a peck on the lips after.

"We made a deal." Eleanor starts. "Everyone will have sex tonight."

"What about the baby?" Harry looks at me then back at Eleanor. "I won't have sex with Leah pregnant." He soon adds.

"Then you'll guys be judges." She suggests.

"Fine. What else?"

"Like I said, everyone will have sex tonight. We already have the names of the girls in Niall's snapback. The loudest is the winner." She explained and we nodded.

"But first, let me eat." I protested but Barbara rolled her eyes.

"You can eat and listen at the same time."

"Aye, eager are we babe." Niall kissed her.

"And other rule." I raised my finger so they could shut up. "No making out or touching yourselves if its not your turn." They groaned but agreed.

"You have five minutes each." Harry added another.

"But thats short." Louis whined.

"Deal with it or you lose. Thats the final rule now. Any comments and you'll be disqualified and you'll have to make chores for the rest of the day and night tomorrow." Harry threatens.

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