Chapter 14

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Hope you enjoy the chapter! (; sorry for the mistakes..


Harry's Pov

"Yeah, she has this cute little dimples." Niall says and I saw Liam and Louis changing looks to each other but I shrug it off finishing my lunch.

One more class and I'll be able to see my Leah. Louis and Liam have been very quiet and whispering harsh things to each other nonstop.

"Can you stop being so secretive and talk like normal people?" I said annoyingly. They look once again and clear their throats.

"Its just some, uh- uh, planning, we were planning something." Liam stutters his word, Louis shaking his head approving.

"Planning what?"

"Its- uh, just, you know- surprise." Liam coughs and smiles after. I hum and raise an eyebrow.

"I want to see Leah." Niall suddenly states, I bit my lip and ruffle my hair swiping it to the side.

"Don't do that Harry. I get jealous." Niall jokes and nods his head to a group of girls looking at me. Squealing and whispering may I add. I chuckle patting his back.

"I'm all yours, Niall." I bat my eyelashes at him playfully and hug him. Seconds later we burst into laughter.

"Aw look at you guys. Such a cute couple." Louis interjects. "Niall plus Harry... We should call you Narry. Even with those lion paws on your face, you still look hot." He changed his deep voice to a high pitched one. I glared at him.

"Mate, are you alright?" Zayn asks playfully opening Louis' eyes wide with his fingers and look at them like he was drugged.

"Don't do that. Brings back memories." They chuckle and fist bump.

"Hi. Can you help me find the office to Miss Garcia?" A small girl, probably in Kindergarden, asks us. Blonde hair, and green eyes.

"Brittany! Of course, I'll help you." How could I not notice her before. Niall stands up from his seat and walks out the cafeteria. Later the bell rang as students left to their next class.


"Come on, baby. Wake up for me. Its been so long." I sniff gripping her hand tighter. "I need you, Leah. You mean so much to me. I don't know what I'd do without you." I been here for five hours straight, talking to her about everything. Well not everything. But memories and stuff.

"Sir, visit time is over." I look down at my watch and 8:01pm. I nod at her and stand up from my chair.

"See ya later, baby." I kiss her forehead and force a smile to the nurse.

"She'll be fine." Niall pats my back, giving me a hug. Stopping at the elevator.

"Christina?" Niall questions as he releases me. "What are you doing here?"

She stops walking, and smiles nervously at us. She places her hand behind her back.

"Oh, hi. Just visiting Leah." I furrow my eyebrows at her.

"That's bullshit. We've been here for five hours."

"I came in the morning."

"That's another bullshit. And you stayed with her until now?" I sass frowning.

"No. I came in the morning. Left, and came back again." She explained.

"Why are you sweating? It's freaking cold in here!" Niall exclaimed brushing her forehead with his hand, wiping it off on his jeans. "Why are you shaking? And why you came back again?" Niall asks again. I took a look at her hand which was in a fist preventing her fingers from shaking so much.

"I-I had a rough day. I came b-back because, I had to p-pick up some results." The hell is wrong with this girl?

"Babe, are you alright?" Niall grabs her hand pulling her towards him into a hug. I notice papers behind her back. I tried to read them, but she hugged Niall back, her arms wrapped around his torso making the papers go behind Niall's back.

"I'll leave you guys. Bye." I didn't wait for a response and pushing the elevator door close. I swear this music is so stupid. How do you put music in an elevator? Whoever created that seemed to be bored off of his mind.

Punching bag swinging side to side each time I took a hit at it. Grunts leaving my mouth as I punched harder and harder. I rest my hands, that are covered in boxing gloves, and catch my breath. I take a big gulp out of my Gatorade. Sweat covered my face, bare chest and arms. I had the gym to myself for the last two hours, so that's good.

"Harry!" I heard a cheery voice call my name. "What you doin' here this late?" I turn around to face Pablo. "It's 10 already man. Go home and rest, son. You have a big day tomorrow."

"Yes, coach." I pick up my belongings and made my way home.


"Mister Styles!" Kylie hugged my knees. I pick her up and throw her in the air making her giggle. I placed her on my hip,

"Alright! Five laps, thirty jumping jacks, thirty lunges, thirty mountain climbs and twenty-five push ups." Kylie places her head on my shoulder and plays with my curls, with thumb in her mouth. I look at her blue eyes and kiss her forehead.

"Time starts now. Come on, let's go!" They groaned and began running. I got back to my office and placed Kylie on the desk.

"Why do you always come here? Huh? Cutting classes that's not good missy." I playfully scolded and poked her nose. She giggled and said,

"No silly, today I had a party and got out of classes early." Poking my nose back.

"Did you just touched my nose? And did you called me silly?" I said in a serious tone, her giggles stop and pouted.

"I'm joking." I start tickling her until she begs for me to stop. When I finally stop, she rest her head on my chest.

"When does your Mommy pick you up from school?" She looks up at me.

"When she finishes working." She answers pouting and I nod.

"Harry! Harry! Harry!" Everyone chanted my name as the referee raised my arm in the air. The crowd was unbelievable. I tried catching my breath, but I was so happy and excited that I just couldn't.

"Nice job, Harry." Coach patted me on the back and walked away. I went to my locker room and changed into a white shirt and black basketball shorts. My phone hasn't stop beeping since the match was finished. I tap on the Twitter icon going straight to my profile. Lots of mentions, comments, follows and other stuff. I recently hit the 10k followers.

@Harry_Styles: Thank you so much for the support! Without you guys I wouldn't won that match! Night xx

I clicked send and quickly tweets and retweets filled my phone. I logged out and checked my messages and phone calls.

24 missed calls from Leah Styles(;


Yay I updated!

I love blackberries! What's your favorite fruit?

Harry became a famous boxer *wink wink*


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