Chapter 7

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Leah's Pov

"Leah Styles the doctor will see you shortly." Someone called, standing up with Eleanor beside me. "You know we have to make those family BBQ as Louis calls it. We haven't talked in a while." She said as she sat on a chair beside the bed. I laid on the bed and lifted my shirt showing my tummy.

"Yeah we should. What about- What day is today?" Eleanor took her phone out and said. "Tuesday." "We should make one on Friday or Saturday." I replied as Brooklyn stepped in the room.

"Hello Leah! Nice to see you again!" She said cheerly. "So today we are going to check if the baby is ok!" "Yay!" Eleanor said and I giggled. She started organizing the tools and puts the gel on my stomach. Later my baby boy appears on the screen.

"Well seems like you are 5 months pregnant. He's very healthy. He can hear you talk and might start kicking." She said and wrote down something on her paper. She gave me a tissue for me to wipe off the gel and gave me pictures.

"Thank you and have a nice day." I said to Brooklyn who smiled and waved both of us. We went to Eleanor's car and she pulled off the parking lot.

"Want something to eat?" She asked while turning on the radio. "Starbucks." She nodded and started singing along to the lyrics of 'Sexy and I know it'.


EVERYBODY STOPS AND IS STARING AT ME I GOT PASSION IN MY PANTS AND I AIN'T AFRAID OF SHOW IT SHOW IT SHOW IT SHOW IT! IM SEXY AND I KNOW IT!" I joined her screaming out the lyrics. We stopped at a red light and she put the car on convertible mode making the wind push our hair back.

"WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE WIGGLE YEAH!!!" I threw my hands in the air dancing. Eleanor doing the same. People started looking at us and laughing. A group of boys where next to our car. An convertible car too, they were about 5 guys.

"Ey yo mama let me got yo' number!" The blonde one asked me. I looked at him and said.

"Yeah my number is..." The light changed to green. "Suck my ass." I said and gave him the middle finger and Eleanor speeded off bursting out laughing. We arrived at Starbucks and ordered out drinks. We were in silence until Eleanor spoke.

"So Louis proposed to me yesterday." "WHAT?!" I yelled making people look at our direction. "Sorry." I said to them turning back to Eleanor. "Are you serious!? That is amazing! Congratulations." I squealed drinking more coffee. She smiled and said,

"We should probably head back home." I looked outside the window and it sure was cloudy. I nodded and we stood up leaving the delicious coffee shop Starbucks. Eleanor dropped me off and watched as I stepped inside the house.

"HARRY I'M HOME!" Footsteps begin to be heard from upstairs. He appeared at the top stairs grinning like a little kid on christmas. I couldn't help but smile back at him. He ran down the stairs hugging and kissing me passionately.

"I missed you." He said against my lips. "I missed you too. The baby can hear now." I smiled looking up at him. He went on his knees and lifted my shirt.

"Hey there buddy this is daddy speaking I love you so much and I can't wait to see you in 4 months." He said kissing my belly. He stood up and picked me up bridal style walking upstairs to our bedroom. He placed me on the bed and started taking my clothes off.

"I'm going to the bathtub. Wanna join me?" I asked him and nodded. "Just give me a minute." He said and left downstairs. I went to the bathroom and turned on the water touching it to be at a warm temperature and adding bubbles. Harry came back with candles and closed the door. He started stripping while I unclasped my bra and pulled off my panties. Harry was completely naked and stepped inside the bathtub. He spread his legs for me to sit in between. I put my toe in the water feeling it before stepping inside. I rested my back against his chest and sigh. He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You know Louis told me he proposed to Eleanor yesterday." Harry said kissing my shoulder. "Mmm I know she told me today. She sounded so excited I'm happy for them." I said and turned my head looking at him. He kissed my lips I kissed back of course. This kiss was not like the other ones. This was perfect, slow, full of love, and passion.

"We *kiss* need *kiss* to *kiss* think *kiss* of names *kiss* for *kiss* the baby *kiss*" I said between kisses, he nodded giving me one last kiss.

"What names do you have in mind?" I asked him. "Edward, Michael, Luke, Aiden, Dilan. Those are my favorites." He said. "Hmm I like Aiden.. Aiden Edward?" I asked looking at him.

"Yeah I like it." He said kissing my lips again. "Aiden Edward Styles." He said rubbing my belly. Then something unexpected happened. I double in pain putting my hands on my belly. Then realizing what happened.

"Did he just-?" Harry asked surprised. "Yeah he just kicked for the first time." I felt tears begin to build in my eyes. "You like that name don't you?" I said laughing rubbing my belly making him kick again. "This is amazing." Harry said rubbing my belly as well. I sigh and rested my head on Harry's chest. We sat there in a comfortable silence. Enjoying each others company. And feeling our little Aiden kicking like crazy. Every time he kicks it makes Harry chuckle.

"He will be playing football (soccer) believe me." He laughs and I join him. I grabbed bubbles and threw it at him. "Oh its on." He said and grabbed the bottle of bubbles before adding more to the bathtub. He grabbed a bunch of bubbles and put it on my head. I put some on his jawline, he looked like Santa. I giggled and grabbed his phone from the toilet putting the password. Which is his birthday 0201. I went to the camera app and smiled, Harry doing the same. Ok the picture was adorable!

"Aww I just want to pinch those dimples all day! You so CUTE!" I said putting the phone back on the toilet and facing Harry. I touched his cheeks, he was serious.

"Smileee." He was still looking at me serious. I pouted and placed my hands in his chest kissing his lips. I pulled away and he smiled big showing those dimples. I poked them and squealed.


"You poke them like you've never touched them before." He said turning his head away from my fingers. "Nooooo!" I grabbed his chin turning his head back to me.

"Baby but-" I cut him off by placing my finger on his lips. He raises on eyebrow. I bit my lip and he groaned and I felt little Harry grow.

"Calm that thing tiger." I winked at him and he smirked winking back at me.

"I want to get out. My fingers are getting cranky." I said looking at my fingers, they look like fingers of old people. He chuckled and patted my bum. I stood up and grabbed a towel wrapping it around my body. Harry got out and grabbed a towel wrapping it around his waist. I looked at his abs. Damn. This man keeps getting stronger.

"I went to the gym today in case you were wondering." He smirked and left the bathroom. I smiled I'm so lucky to have him.

He makes me fall in love with him more and more each day if thats even possible.


Ok so I enjoyed writing this chapter! Awwww! I'm so proud of myself :)

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Stay Beautiful💕



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