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Four Months Later...

Leah's Pov

A strong cry woke me up from my beautiful dream. The crying soon followed by another, then another. My head was resting on Harry's shirtless chest as his arm was wrapped around my small body. Our legs tangled together in a messy way. I groaned at how the crying turned to a screaming competition. This is how the past four months have been like. If one of the babies do something, fart, pee, cry, anything, the others would do it too. Perks of having triplets.


"Leave me alone."

"Harry, don't you hear the screaming they have? By the way, it's your turn now." By now I had my hand on his chest and my chin on top of it. Harry didn't bother to even open his eyes. He groaned and slowly opened his eyes. His eyes now focused on me, by the look he was annoyed. I glared at him and smacked his chest, hard.

"Ow! Okay, okay, I get it." He mumbled and got up. Ten minutes later he returned, the crying now stopped. He belly flopped on the bed making a loud noise. Literally, 5 seconds later, the bed fell with a 'bang!'.

Both of us surprised at the, now broken, bed and started cracking up. Guess what? We were laughing so loud the babies started crying again.


Three Years Later...

"Happy Birthday!" We said once again as the three of them ripped open their last present. We got Leo lots of action figures, Hailey got five barbie dolls, and Lorenzo got lots of cars. They seemed very pleased with their gifts and I was very relieved by it. Our families just went home after we sang Happy Birthday, and that means I have to clean the dirty floor, kitchen and the table where the triplets made a huge mess with the cake.

Harry was taking a shower while I watched the kids play for a bit. It was now eight-o'clock, a little past their bedtime, since it is their birthday.

"Okay, time for a bath. Let's go." I said and they whined.

"But, mommy! I want to pway with my dollies!" Hailey was the first to exclaim. Then, the three of them started whining.

After their bath, me cleaning all of the messy house, Harry and I fell on the bed, exhausted.

"You know." Harry started. "When they grow and be teenagers they will hate us with all their guts."

"Well, once we were teenagers and acted the same way. Everyone goes through that stage." I said. He hummed in agreement and sighed.

"I love you, you know?"Harry said turning to me. I turned also, facing him.

"I love you, too." I said back with a smile on my face. He kissed my lips quickly and closed his eyes.

"We went through a lot of stuff together and here we are with triplets." Harry said, his voice raspy and you could tell he was very tired by now.

"Yeah, with the school, the stress, Marcus..." I trailed off.

"Marcus was a son of a bitch." He chuckled and yawned seconds later. I giggled and cuddled him.

"I'm glad we're still together. We have so much left with our lives." I placed my head on his chest. He started stroking my hair and said,

"Forever Mr. and Mrs. Styles, baby."


First of all, I want to say thank you for all the people who read this story. Second, I thought this story was going nowhere, but it got to 7k readers and I'm so glad about that. Again, thank you thank you thank you for making it to the end of the story.

I am NOT going to make a sequel. Why would I do one? This story sucked. lol

Byeeee! Stay strong, stay beautiful! I love you.


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