Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Leah's Pov

"What do you think of this one?" Harry said lifting up a little shirt that said 'Mommy only wanted a massage', we were at Babies "R" Us looking at clothes for Aiden. Harry got the idea to start buying him things, so why not.

My eyes widened at the shirt and shook my head no and slapping his arm playfully. He pouted and continued looking at clothes. He lifted another that said 'If you think I'm handsome, look at my daddy' he smiled dimples on both of his cheeks. I smiled back at him and said,

"Yeah. That's nice." He puts the shirt in the cart and I walked to the stroller section with Harry right behind me. We kept looking at strollers like 5 minutes until one caught my attention.

"Harry look at that one." I said pointing to a light blue stroller mixed with black. He went to it checking the price.

"How much is it?"


"That's a lot." I mumbled but he just grabbed the stroller's box and puts it in the cart.


"And... Done." He puts the paintbrush on the table before wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Its beautiful Harry." I said looking around the nursery. The walls are white, the crib was orange besides the window which it was just wonderful. Crib, changing table, rocking chair and all the things that a baby might need.

Harry took a swing of his beer before tossing it in the trash.

"I can't wait for him to come already. We need to do a baby shower you know?" He says looking down at my growing belly; which is slightly big.

"Yeah I was thinking of maybe make one at the park or at home, I don't know." I reply looking around the room.

"Tomorrow we have to be at the faculty for a stupid get-together with the other teachers." Harry said rolling his eyes. We stayed in a comfortable silence but then,

"I'm hungry." I said suddenly, Harry raised an eyebrow. "What are you craving for?"

"Broccoli, pickles with cheese and pizza." Harry made a disgusted face as I said that.

"Who the hell eats that?! Ew thats just disgusting." Harry said again walking out of the room. I yelled,

"Ok, first you got me pregnant, second, you have to deal with what I want to eat, third, if you don't like it, then I don't care about your opinion; OK HARRY STYLES?!" I raised my voice as I heard him open the fridge.

"Yeah yeah! Come down to eat the disgusting food." I smirk to myself and made my way downstairs. Broccoli, pickles, pizza, cheese and strawberry with chocolate were placed on the table.

"Gosh I love you," I quickly grab a slice of pizza savoring the cheese and pepperoni. Why does pizza has to be so delicious?

"I don't know," Oops did I said that out loud?

"Yeah you did," I rolled my eyes and grab and strawberry. "How many kids do you want?" Harry said making me stop eating the delicious strawberry.

"I don't know? That just... Happens you know? I mean I want like two or three maybe?" I said confused, "How many do you want?" Harry smirks and licks his lips,

"My opinion is, believe me," His smirk grows wider before saying, "With you I want like 10 kids, no twins tho." He winks and I gasp smacking his bicep.


I grab his bicep and squeeze it. "Transformer I know." He says proudly of his biceps.


"Page fifty-four everyone; Amanda start reading," I command rubbing my big belly. Sitting back on the chair I follow the lecture. Aiden was kicking like crazy today, like he wanted to get out already. I have to admit it, it hurts. I sigh closing my eyes rubbing it trying to endure the pain. But nothing was happening it only got worse.

I grab my phone to text Harry,

Me: Aiden is kicking like crazy. It hurts :( Help? Xx

Harry: Can u wait till lunch baby? Does it hurt too much?

Me: yeah i'll try. A little bit :( Love youu :*

Harry: Love you too baby ;) only 20 more minutes

I put away my phone returning my attention to the class. Once we were done reading, we played Simon Says but in spanish of course.

"Simon dice tocate la nariz!" (Simon says touch your nose!) The only ones left were Brandon and Oliver. This is going to be fun.

"Simon dice que brinques sin parar!" (Simon says to jump without stopping) They all do as said.

"Before the bell rings! Tocate el pipi!" They looked confused and Brandon touched his butt. I heard a few people snicker and giggle.

"You lost Brandon," I said giggling.

"But whyyy?" Seriously today is the day teenagers turn into children.

"First of all I didn't say Simon Says and second, do you know what a 'pipi' is?" I question him making others laugh.

"That's not the pipi?" He said grabbing his butt. This time I burst laughing in his face. Then the bell rang.

"Alright have a nice day. Remember the homework for Friday," I say standing up from my desk. Everyone walked out for lunch. Harry suddenly appeared closing the door behind him. I smiled.

"Did he calm down?" He asked leaning down to kiss my lips. "No," I mumble against his lips. He sigh and kneeled down in front of my belly.

"Hey boy, mommy told me you've been kicking like crazy. Can you calm down a little bit? I know we both want you here but don't bother mommy too much, ok? I love you baby boy," He finishes kissing my belly which caused him to make another kick making me hiss.

"I bought you pickles, broccoli and pizza," He said smirking widely. I just giggle sticking my hand out.


The get-together was boring but at least I got the chance to eat chocolate. I have an obsession with chocolate I think you already know that.

We were having a small picnic date at the park. Eating sandwiches and strawberry with chocolate.

"Anything you want to tell me that I don't know?" I ask Harry biting my strawberry. He shrugs but then he tenses up.

"Actually yes," He swallows his sandwich and bites his lip. "I, uh, actually became a boxer a few weeks ago,"



Tomorrow is my last final test which is Algebra -.- SOOOO I WILL BE ABLE TO UPDATE MOREEEE FORRR YEEEEUUUU! Yayayayayayay

Wish me good luck! 😩

Somethimes i think.. What does algebra help me in the future like... I dont need this sheeeeet! Biiieeee! My chocolate niggies! < thats my nickname for you so deal with it! ;)


AAAAAND I NEED A BIG FAVOR! Give me some ideas for the next chapter!! What you want to happen next chapter? What do you expect for the next chapterrrr?! Comment chocolate niggies! ;)

AND ANOTHER THING! I have 402 reads thats AMAZAYN! But I dont like silent readers -.- it drives me mad sooo if you are READING THIS RIGHT NOW DONT IGNORE THE VOTE AND COMMENT BUTTON!!! OR I WILL WIPE YO ASS! 😾🔫

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