Chapter 13

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Harry's Pov

Sorrow, broken, guilty, angry. Those are the words that describe me right now. Its been 4 weeks. Four weeks going to work alone. Four weeks of pure terror. Four weeks staying by her side. Four weeks of crying. And four weeks without the love of my life.

"Harry you need to go home. Have a shower and eat something." Those were the words everyone told me during these four weeks. The same thing but with different words.

"Come on, man. You can come back later." I looked at her white lips, her pale face, her chest rises and falls every time she took breaths, scratches on her neck, arms and legs. A white cast on her left arm and leg. Her stomach. Her flat stomach were our baby was.

I grab her hand, kissing it before shaking my head as more tears fell. I put my elbows on my knees and head in my hands. Loud sobs echoing the silent room.

"Oh, Harry." My mother's voice came in as she develops me in a hug. "How is she?"

"The same. Nothing better." I manage to say between sobs.

"I bought you KFC." She pointed to the bag at the table. I nod and grab Leah's hand again.

"Eat, Harry, please." Christina's voice pleaded. I watched as she had her little niece, Brittany, on her hip. Blonde, straight hair, blue eyes. I stand up to face them.

"You don't understand. What the fuck would you do if you were in my position? Huh? Would you cry and not eat for days? What would you do if someone killed your baby?" They remained silent, looking at me wide eyed.

"That's what I thought. Now fuck off." I finally snap to all of them, pointing to the door.

"We are trying to help you Harry. Can't you see that? She is our best friend you know?" Barbara yells. This time it was my turn to stay silent. I stood up and grab the bag of food and left.

Unlocking the door and closing it behind me, the first thing I did was throw the bag of food against the wall. Gripping into the coffee table, throwing it to the other side of the room. Glass shattered on the floor. I made my way to the living room. Flipping over the table where the small lamp was placed. Blood pooled around my fingers. It only made me more angry.

I shouted at the top of my lungs and punch the wall. My hand making a small cracking noise. I rest my head on the wall, then sinking down on the cold floor; crying into my bloody hands.


"You have free time today." I weakly stated to them. They cheered and started doing their own thing. I return to my small office and watch as all of the boys and girls having fun with each other. I smile at them. Maybe that would be Aiden one day. But sadly it won't be.

I didn't notice the tears stream down my face, until there was a knock on my door. I wipe them away quickly and answering the door.

I looked both ways since I saw nobody at the door. Probably these fuckers knocking then running off.

"Hi mister Styles." Said a little voice catching my attention. I look down to see a brunette little girl. She was carrying a bag full of cookies and a coffee. I crouch down to be as the same height as her and look at her blue eyes. I still am a little taller than her even crouching down.

"Hey there." I smile softly at her. She smiled back showing off her little dimples.

"I have those too." I told her poking them. She giggles and pokes mine.

"Mister Payne told me to bring you this." She says shyly raising the bag of cookies and coffee.

"Thank you- what's your name sweetheart?"

"Kylie." She simply states. A light blush appear on her cheeks as she clasps her hands behind her back and swinging her legs back and forth.

"Well, Kylie, can I have a hug?" I ask her spreading my arms a bit. She took a step forward and wrapped her little arms around my neck.

"No need to be nervous Kylie, ok?" I felt her nod her head. "Tell mister Payne I said thank you." I patted her back and stood up from my position.

"Bye mister Styles!" She waved cutely then ran off back to class. I close the door behind me and sat on my chair, eating the cookies.

"You can go to lunch people." I exclaimed blowing my whistle. I made sure that everyone was out the gym and locked my office.

"Yeah, he's so hot!" Someone squeals. "Did you see how he hugged that little girl?! Can you believe I'm jealous of a little girl?" I roll my eyes and continue walking. Thirsty much?

"I heard miss Styles was in an accident and lost her baby." I stop abruptly and listen to their little conversation. "That's why she hasn't been in school."

"That's so sad." I smiled to myself. "I wish I got pregnant with Harry Styles' baby. How old is he? 25?" The same girl that squealed earlier said. I made a poker face and continued walking to the cafeteria.

"Thanks for the cookies man." I gave Liam a bro hug before waiting in line to eat.

"That little girl was so cute."

"Who? Kylie?" Zayn sits next to me digging into his burrito.

"Yeah, she has this cute little dimples." Niall says and I saw Liam and Louis changing looks to each other but I shrug it off finishing my lunch.


*wink wink*

Whats your favorite color?

Mines orange!

What do you think of this chapter? I think it was depressive and cute! *insert blushing emoji here*

You'll find out more things later about the little girl ;)


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