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Jade picked me up from work and took me to school

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Jade picked me up from work and took me to school.

"Morning." Jade said.

"Morning." I said.

"I got you coffee." Jade said pointing to the cup holder to see 2 cups of coffee. One hot and one cold.

"Thanks how much do I owe you for doing this?" I asked.

"Nothing Ty." Jade said.

"Nope 10 bucks." I said putting 10 bucks in the cup holder.

"Would you stop being so damn stubborn?" Jade asked as she began driving.

"No." I said. "You used to complain about me being to much of a push over." 

"Damn it I did." Jade said as we pulled up outside school. We walked in and split to go to our lockers before meeting back at her locker to go to class.

"Whoa?! She passed away just last night?" Jade asked Cat and Tori.

"Yeah." Cat said.

"Then yeeeaaah. Yeah, I'll drive you guys to her house. Ty you coming?" Jade asked.

"Sure. Who died?" I asked.

"An actress." Tori said.

"Why'd you change your mind?" Tori asked Jade.

"Because it's been less than twenty-four hours..." Jade started.

"Which means her spirit is still lingering..." I said.

"So we'll be able to breathe in the fumes of her soul." Jade said.

"Maybe there's a bus we can take." Tori said to Cat after looking at Jade and I with concern.

"No! No... I'll take you. We can leave after sundown." Jade said.

"Why can't we just go after school?" Tori asked.

"I don't like driving in the daylight." Jade said before we walked away.


Cat, Jade, Tori and I were in Cat's brother's car driving to some dead actresses house.

"So Cat... Is there some reason your brother replaced this seatbelt with a rope?"Jade asked.

"No, he just loves rope." Cat said. Tori had some weird contraption on her lap.

"What is that thing anyway?" I asked.

"Oh, this is Cat's and my science project." Tori said.

"It's a robot that's hamster powered." Cat said excitedly.

"See, mister hamster runs on this wheel. And that creates electro-magnetic electricity. Which flows through this transformer and then powers the robot." Tori rambled on.

Tyler King- BadexOCWhere stories live. Discover now