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I walked into school with two coffees in my hand one for Jade and one for me and my bag over my shoulder to see Jade being held back by Lane from Cat

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I walked into school with two coffees in my hand one for Jade and one for me and my bag over my shoulder to see Jade being held back by Lane from Cat. Cat had accidentally waxed off Jade's eyebrows.

"What was that about?" Andre asked.

"Why are you so mad at Cat?" Beck asked.

"Don't... say... a word," Jade said turning around. I walked over to her and handed her a coffee.


We were sat eating lunch and Andre and Beck had handcuffed Jade to the table.

"Um... I think you look nice with no eyebrows." Robbie said. Jade glared at him.

"Jade... I just wanna say... I really appreciate you having lunch with us, and thank you, Andre and Beck, for handcuffing Jade to the table." Cat said.

"Sure." Andre said.

"No problem." Beck said. Jade tried fighting the handcuffs.

"I still don't get how this happened." Robbie asked.

"Well, Jade asked me to make her eyebrows look nice. So I tried to wax them, but when I took the wax strips off there was... um... a problem." Cat said.

"My eyebrows are gone!" Jade yelled.

"No they're not! I told you, they're right here!" Cat said holding up wax strips. I found an eyebrow pencil in my bag.

"Do you want me to draw them on for you?" I asked. Jade nodded.

"If we uncuff you, you can't kill Cat." Beck said. Jade fought the handcuffs. I moved to straddle her lap and grabbed the pencil and tried drawing them on while Tori walked over to us.

"Hey everyone! Special treat. I just found a new friend... On a toilet... She's fun and she likes sandwiches... Say hey to Ponnie." Tori said.

"Ponnie?" Robbie asked.

"Who are you talkin' about?" Andre asked.

"Ponnie. She was... She was right behind me." Tori said.

"Who's Bonnie?" I asked.

"Ponnie! With a p. Pah-nee." Tori said.

"What color was her hair? Plond?" Jade asked.

"Or prunnette?" Andre asked causing us to smile or laugh. Jade fed me fries from my tray while I drew her eyebrows on. The bell rang for class and Jade went to the bathroom while I went to class with Robbie, Beck and Andre. Cat burst in.

"Ahhhhh!!! Oh! She's right behind me! Please hide me! She is gonna kill me!" Cat yelled.

"What?! Did you just say that someone was going... Ah, you kids work it out yourselves." Sikowitz said going back to the board while Cat stood behind Beck.

"C'mon, Cat... Just watch the door. And that way Jade can't sneak up on you." Andre said.

"Okay. I'll just stay right here. And I'll watch the door..." Jade came through the window screaming. Jade dived on Cat dropping her on the floor. Sikowitz tried to grab Cat and Beck grabbed Jade pulling her off Cat.

"You girls knock it off." My uncle said.

"I'll get you." Jade yelled.

"I don't wanna be gotten!" Cat said.

"Alright, weirdos, take your seats." Sikowitz said when the bell rang. I sat next to Jade who had her hand on my thigh tracing circles.

"Wait, where's Ponnie?" Tori asked looking around the classroom.

"Where's who?" My uncle asked.

"Ponnie, one of your students. She sits in the back with you guys, right?" Tori turned to the shruggers. They all said they didn't know."Oh, come on. She's one of you!" 

"Uh, Tori... Maybe you should sit down and rest." Andre said standing up.

"There's no Ponnie in this class." Jade said.

"B-but... she told me... Okay... Well, if there's no Ponnie, then how do I have Ponnie's backpack? Hmmmm? Hmmmm?" Tori asked.

"What's in Ponnie's backpack?" Robbie asked.

"I don't know. Ponnie stuff. An ear of corn... A Klingon dictionary... And a doll... That's dressed exactly like me." Tori said. She pulled the cord on the doll.

"I'm talking Tori. And I'm evil." The doll said and changed its voice at the end.

"What?!" Tori asked.

"Why would you buy that doll?" Cat asked.

"And where do I get one?" Jade asked. We all turned to look at her.

"I didn't buy it! This is Ponnie's backpack!" Tori said. We all started talking to her.

"There is no one named Ponnie in this school." Jade said.

"It's true. No Ponnie." Sikowitz said.

"Okay. That does it. I am gonna find that Ponnie girl right now!" Tori walked out the door. She came back inside 2 minutes later dragging us to go see her locker.

"Come see! It says make it rot! And I know Ponnie did it! Look! See, my locker says make it shine! Whaaaaaaaat?!?" Tori said. "I am not crazy! I swear, my locker said make it rot just a second ago! And Ponnie did it! I know Ponnie did it!" 

"Is it just me, or is Tori a lot hotter now that she's crazy?" Rex asked. Beck and Andre nodded.

Turns out "Ponnie" was a crazy ex-student at Hollywood arts. She got kicked out for being a nutjob.

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