[🍬] Twenty-eight

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(A/N): ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

It's the weekend and yet Jeongguk is just as stressed as he usually is when it comes to football games, for example. However today is very different and in fact much more important than any championship game.

He's taking Jimin on a date.

Jeongguk still has difficulty processing it while standing in front of his body length mirror. While he's busy scrutinizing every inch of his outfit heavily, much like the night of the party, he misses a gentle knock on his door and the entrance of his mother following in suit.

His eyebrows are furrowed and his bottom lip is jutted out to the extreme. However it isn't a dress shirt he battles with this time because he told Jimin to wear something simple. It's his hair and all of it's stubborn sprigs.

"Koo bear." His mother walks to his side and places her hands on his shoulders. She twists him around and he moves on her whim with obedience. "You've had all day to fix this. Why wait last second?" she humours.

Jeongguk blinks at her. "I've been trying to fix it all day. My hair must know I'm going on a date. Rude."

Myung-hee laughs. "I remember you being in the exact same position earlier in the year. Were you trying to impress Jimin? Ah, if only I knew back then," she recalls.

Jeongguk hums in thought. Looking back on that embarrassing moment, if anyone had told him he'd actually made it somewhere with Jimin, he wouldn't have believed it. And even now he still finds it hard to believe. Despite his clumsy, bashful nature, he managed to beat the odds.

"Are you picking him up?" Myung-hee asks while she fixes the last piece of hair on Jeongguk's head.

The boy nods. "I am. I'm nervous."

"Don't be nervous. Jimin is sweet. He'll appreciate anything you do for him, right? He doesn't seem so hard to please. That's good, Jeongguk." His mother finally pulls her hands back, smiling at her son.

"You think so?" Jeongguk asks with a hopeful glint in his eyes.

Myung-hee nods her head. "I really do. Now you better get going otherwise you're going to be late. I won't be home for the night if that means anything to you."

The look of digust on Jeongguk's face is unparalleled while he watches his mother's eyebrows do the worm in unison.

"What? Don't look at me like that. It's not like you guys haven't done it in the house already." Myung-hee raises a brow.

Jeongguk blushes at this, looking toward the floor. There's not much he can say in defense to that. And his mother just laughs, pinching his cheek in adoration.

"Momma." Jeongguk frowns, pushing her hand away. He smoothes his palm over the irritated section on his face but not without pouting.

"Okay, sorry. I'll let you go now. Make sure you drive safely." Myung-hee leans in, wrapping her arms around Jeongguk.

The boy hums. "I always do."

"Good," she says after pulling away, moving some of Jeongguk's hair out of his brown eyes, tucking it behind his ear.

Jeongguk eventually finalizes all that needs to be done. He finishes packing some necessities into the back of his car and shortly he's on the road, driving to Jimin's place. As soon as he pulls up in front of it, he sends the blond a text and he is soon found leaving the front door, walking down the driveway.

The second Jimin climbs into the passenger seat, Jeongguk is rendered speechless. The blond looks absolutely stunning, much like he always does, but there's just something so entirely different about him. Something Jeongguk isn't given enough time to discern.

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