[🍬] four

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as soon as jeongguk reaches the football field he changes into his practice equipment. he's a bit late due to how long he was standing still, frozen in place just remembering the soft press of jimin's lips against his cheek. he still feels himself blush at the thought of it as he once again is caught in space, smiling foolishly at the ground.

"gguk?" taehyung asks, pressing a hand to the boy's shoulder.

the brunette peers up, shaking his head. "what's up?"

"dude, you were at the party for like five minutes yesterday and you were incognito for the whole day. namjoon told me to not even bother. what's going on?" the boy asks and jeongguk runs his tongue nervously over his lips.

he pets at his hair, avoiding taehyung's piercing gaze. "i, um... my mom needed me the night of the party and so i had to leave early," he lies while evading his friend's eyes.

taehyung crosses his arms and quirks a brow. "right. okay, so why have you been avoiding everyone the whole day?" he asks again and jeongguk scrunches his nose.

"well... the thing is... um, i think - well... i don't know, tae," he splutters in panic and taehyung sends him a look of bewilderment.

"...you can't even form proper sentences," taehyung points out the obvious and jeongguk is beyond thankful as he catches namjoon approaching from behind, swinging an arm over taehyung.

"ah, he's just a love sick puppy, taehyung. i'm sure of it. you see hyebin over there," namjoon starts and all of the boys turn to face the emerging cheerleaders. "she's the reason gguk is a mess," he says in confidence and taehyung hums in understanding.

meanwhile jeongguk is busy looking at jimin, trying to be as little obvious as possible. and he smiles softly to himself, seeing as the blond boy is no longer wearing sweats and instead has his cheer uniform on. supposedly he's gained some confidence because rather than him sporting the regular cheer top intended for boy's use, he's wearing one of the cropped tops just like the girls.

he can see further inches of his pretty honey glazed skin, strangely craving a touch. he's petite yet in every way built but tamely so.

soon hyebin eclipses jimin's stature and jeongguk shakes his head, brought back to his senses. the girl is waving at him and he waves back cordially, smiling. but the whistle blows and the trio retreats to the center of the field, preparing for the first set of drills.

typically all of the other boys are the ones being distracted however this time it's jeongguk. any chance he can get he quickly glances over at the cheerleaders, admiring jimin. he knows he should be more careful and focus as he needs the football scholarship but the blond boy is just simply way too bewitching. the gentle breeze filters through his blond locks and the sun wraps perfectly around his pretty body. his sweet little giggles that jeongguk can't hear from afar yet can see from a distance take the audible form of a dulcet melody.

god, he's in trouble and he knows at this point his heart eyes are blatantly obvious. yet his enamoured expression quickly drops as jimin is thrown into the air and rather then being caught, he falls harshly and misses his footing, landing on the grass.

jeongguk doesn't waste a second and darts across the field at quite possibly the fastest speed he's ever ran. the cheerleaders are already swarming him yet the brunette maneuvers them to the side, kneeling down beside the whimpering blond.

"shit, jimin. are you okay?" jeongguk asks worriedly with distraught eyes as he scans the dirt on the boy's cheer uniform.

"j-jeongguk, it hurts," jimin cries quietly, wanting desperately to hold his ankle however knowing that if he does it will only make matters for himself worse.

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