[🍬] Twenty-four

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(A/N): Okaayy!!! Smutty smut. Jimin tops the first time around so if that isn't your cup of tea, go ahead and skip! (But actually pls don't. 😔)

The second Jeongguk's head hits the pillow, a small portion of wind is taken out of him. It's swallowed by Jimin who presses into him softly, caressing his side with his hand, fingers teasing the skin just beneath his shirt.

He isn't quite sure what to make of his thrumming heart. Jeongguk isn't only upset but he's confused and eager. As Jimin adds pressure to his pelvis using his own, his hips rut upward and his mind fogs over, clouded with guilt. It feels so perfect and yet just the same, he can find flaw in their actions.

And it's almost as if Jimin can sense his hesitancy. With his teeth nipped down gently on Jeongguk's bottom lip, he pulls away and tugs on it in a trained motion, eventually releasing it.

There are already constellations in Jeongguk's doe eyes as his lashes flutter against his shell-pink cheekbones. His fingers roam Jimin's back, simply to hook around his nape. They're looking at each other avidly, breathing vehemently against each other's lips in hot gusts.

"...I w-won't let him take you from me. M-mine..." Jeongguk stutters with faintly pouted lips.

Jimin's lips curl into a frown. He runs his fingers through Jeongguk's soft strands of brown hair, pushing them behind his ear. "He's stronger than you think, Bun..." he replies quietly.

Jeongguk bites down on his inner cheek, watching as Jimin pulls some things from the kangaroo pouch of his hoodie, placing them on the side table. The attention is then redirected at him. He's peering up through his long lashes - a look so innocent he's unintentionally luring Jimin in just that much further.

And it isn't long before their lips collide once again. Jeongguk mewls, fingers disconnecting to feather through the blond's hair. It's slow and sweet, a passionate buildup in direction of a much more intimate night.

Jeongguk sighs into the kiss, toes curling and back barely lifting off of the bed as Jimin's hand travels beneath his top completely, fingers pinching softly at his perked nipples. Nothing in this moment seems to matter as he's being pressed into by his very own angel with patience.

Jimin isn't sloppy, nor is he rushing the bittersweet moment currently underway. His fingers feel like gentle gusts of wind kissing his skin. Just enough to give him a chill but not to scare him away. It's perfect and keeps him on his toes, pining for fulfillment.

The blond then removes his lips from Jeongguk's and drags them along the sweet curve of his neck, grazing his tongue and teeth against his skin. He sinks down fully and starts to suck fervently whilst still working at his pert buds.

Jeongguk moans quietly, head rolling back into the pillow. Soon Jimin leaves his collarbone and lowers down his body, rolling his shirt over his torso. Soft, ample lips are pressed to the outlines of his abdomen, ghosting his stomach, all the way up to his bare chest.

The molten puffs of air are enough to have heat brewing between his thighs but as soon as Jimin's wet, hot tongue flattens against one of his nipples, flicking expertly, he's unable to bite back the resonant moan spilling so effortlessly from his mouth.

"B-baby," Jeongguk breathes heavenly into the air.

Jimin moves quicker at this, tongue catering to one nipple whilst the other is tended by his fingers. Breathy whines fill the air, hanging by both of their ears and as encouragement for the blond who pushes himself to please.

Jeongguk pulls on his bottom lip, brown hair fanning the pillow beneath his head like small sticks in white snow. He's bound tightly by rapture, chest undulating while Jimin gives both of his nipples the attention they deserve with his wet tongue. The brunette starts to grow needy, attempting to rub his tighs together yet frustratingly unable as Jimin is right between them, denying access.

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