[🍬] two

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to say the next day at school isn't as scary as the party itself would be a lie.

jeongguk has been incognito the whole morning, attempting to hide himself from the blond. he's been turning corners like a slow snail and peaking into classrooms strangely - just to be sure that he doesn't run into him.

he's even tried avoiding his friends because they always seem to pressure him into speaking with hyebin - something he'd find easy to do - just not appealing enough. especially if he's not seeking anything further than a friendship.

the bell rings for last block which is science - unfortunately the class jeongguk has with all of his friends. despite this he sneaks into the classroom, hat on his head and sunglasses perched on his nose. he takes a seat at a different desk, immediately shoving his face in a novel. he can hear the classroom fill and not so smoothly he lowers his book, screeching as namjoon's face is right in front of his own.

"jeongguk, indoor voice!" the teacher shouts and the teenager apologizes softly, proceeding to stare at namjoon who seemingly struggles to hold in his laughter.

"what the fuck are you doing?" he asks with a sniff, obviously entertained yet simultaneously confused with his best friend's behaviour.

"you don't see me. i'm not here. shoo. be gone," he replies with a pointed expression and namjoon rolls his eyes, not up for dabbling in jeongguk's sudden strange attitude.

the brunette watches as his taller friend retreats back to his desk. he feels an inner sentiment of victory sprout in his chest and he smiles. he just has to somehow manage this for the rest of the block and then it's the weekend.

except for one little issue. the good thing is is that they don't have practice today. yet that doesn't seem to matter seeing as a blond headed boy peaks into the classroom, very slowly entering, approaching the teacher.

jeongguk watches covertly with his immaculate disguise as they chat and smile. the blond headed boy then scans the classroom, looking for a seat. the brunette shoves his face back into his book, hopeful the cheerleader hasn't caught him. he looks up a few moments later and finds that he's sitting with namjoon and taehyung - who has clearly already been given the run down on jeongguk's odd behaviour.

and so as the class drags on, he sits alone in the corner, paying close attention to the group seated in the center. he doesn't like the feeling he gets in his stomach, seeing all of his friends talk freely with the blond. jealousy, is it? he sure hopes not because he doesn't remember being the jealous type. especially after just meeting someone.

and of course once again, he's caught staring - just like the prodigy he is. he fumbles with the book in his hand, dropping it to the floor with a loud thump. as if one person looking isn't bad enough, the whole class turns to him and he blushes a deep red in embarrassment.

"sorry," he mumbles and steps out of his chair to pick it up, placing it on the desk now seeing that his cover is completely blown. he pouts softly, taking his sunglasses off as well. the class returns to what they were doing prior and jeongguk chews on his bottom lip, feeling the blond's eyes on him.

he can't say anything. he can't do anything but sit and wallow in his own discomfort, staring down at his lap. the attention is almost suffocating yet thankfully the bell rings, dismissing him from the hole he's dug for himself.

jeongguk struggles to gather all of his books, eager to get out of the classroom. he feels a small hand press to his back and he freezes, inhaling sharply. please no, he thinks to himself.

"jeongguk?" the boy says and the brunette stiffens, turning around. the blond is peering up at him, partially concerned and confused. "are you okay?" he asks.

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