[🍬] seventeen

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jeongguk is busy pacing the floor between his kitchen and living room as he waits for a soft knock on the door. if he doesn't improve his english, he's going to fall further behind and he won't be able to play football. and so he's nervous for multiple reasons.

one, he's afraid he'll never be able to improve because he'll be too busy focusing on his teacher rather than their little lesson.

two, jimin is the one who agreed to come over and help him.

three, jeongguk still has many secrets that the pretty blond doesn't know about and he isn't sure the proper time to divulge them.

jeongguk then jumps faintly. the resonate sound of a knocking door lingers in the air, interrupting his period of heavy thinking. he releases his bottom lip and peers down at his clothes, scrunching his mostly healed nose. he already previously spent almost an hour trying to pick out an outfit and yet he's second guessing himself currently. but it's too late.

there's yet another gentle knock on the door and he hurries toward it, sighing deeply before pulling it open. jimin's feet are partially twisted cutely until the toes of his sneakers are touching. he's holding the small hoop of his backpack, allowing it to hang down in front of his legs. the blond's eyes are smiling sweetly at him, much like they always do. his little jumper is a subdued red and his skirt is white. the blush on his soft cheeks soon begins to match as the brunette can't quite stop himself from staring.

"bun... you're staring," he points out abashedly.

jeongguk forces his jaw to close and shakes his head, clearing his throat. he rubs at his nape and steps to the side, allowing jimin to enter inside of his quaint home. the blond's house is much larger than his and so as he begins to examine the first floor, the football player grow anxious in embarrassment.

"it's cute, bun... it feels like a real home," the boy mumbles, tucking loose wisps of blond hair behind his ear.

jeongguk exhales in exemption from his anxiousness. however it isn't quiet because jimin twists on his heels, craning his next to peer after the antsy brunette still standing in the entryway. his smile is small and his eyes follow in suit as he approaches jeongguk, placing his bag on the floor for a moment.

time seems to stop as no matter how many times they get close enough to feel each other's bodies against their own, jeongguk still gets just as nervous that somebody just as pretty as jimin is actually interested in him. his face flushes over, awash in a dainty shade of red; reflecting the colour of the blond's jumper, for the most part.

jimin stretches his hand out, dragging his thumb across jeongguk's bottom lip, massaging deftly at the still swollen appearance of his lower mouth. "you're nervous, bun..." he whispers close to his lips.

jeongguk's mouth remains open as he grows paralyzed, silently loving the feeling of jimin's thumb pressed impossibly close into his bottom lip. their faces are so near now that each exchanged breath gets lost somewhere in the rapid beating of their own hearts.

just as jeongguk is about to move his hands to jimin's waist to pull him closer, the boy takes a step back. "we should probably get to work before it gets too late..." he suggests quietly and picks up his bag. "where should we start?"

there's one place jeongguk thinks of immediately that he needs to completely wipe from his mind. there's no telling what will happen if they end up going to his bedroom. the brunette curls his finger into the collar of his hoodie, in clear distress and thought, eyeing up either the kitchen or living room. it then isn't long before he points toward the couch.

"sure," jimin replies contentedly and walks into the living room, taking a seat on the sofa while pulling out his books.

jeongguk sighs quietly, running his hand through his hair nervously. he follows behind jimin and sits beside him on the sofa, keeping a measurable distance between the both of them.

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