[🍬] sixteen

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jeongguk finally gets home after his long day of football and stares at jimin's number on his phone screen.

"this is real, right...?" he murmurs to himself in question.

jeongguk swipes his tongue over his lips. he reaches out to pinch his arm, yelping. "yeah... definitely real," he concludes as he slides against the door with a whipped expression on his face.

typically he'd be upset, not being able to see his mother until later in the night. well, he's definitely a little bit down in light of her true profession but not because she does what she does. because she does what she does to make sure that there's food on the table and that he can play football. it's the fact that she kept it hidden from him or thought she needed to.

he sighs quietly and stands to his feet. he makes his way to the kitchen and quickly finds himself an after school snack, sitting at the small island. he's picking at a bag of grapes when he remembers what miss hye said about his english. jeongguk groans quietly, thinking about all the homework he has built up and not just for a single class. he's about ready to throw a poor grape across the house when his phone goes off.

hi, my little bunny.
how is your nose
doing? is it doing
okay? 😊

jeongguk can feel the heat rise to his cheeks in an instant. his body flushes as he stares at the text. he never has the courage to initiate anything with jimin which makes him discouraged but also gives him some peace of mind. this is all so new to him.

it's definitely been
better but it doesn't
hurt as badly. and in
fact i think reading
your text made some
of the pain go away.

jeongguk presses 'send' with his thumb and immediately regrets it. he was trying to be smooth but now he just feels embarrassed. he whines with cheeks full of grapes, waiting for a response.

just how much more
adorable can you get?
i'm glad you're feeling
better. i have to get
ready for work but
i'll text you after i'm
done, okay? 😙

😳 okay. just make
sure people are keeping
their hands to themselves.

i'll try. talk to you
later, okay, bun?

talk to you later.

jeongguk puts his phone against the counter top, huffing into his hands. the image of jimin back at work, being touched by other grown men has his stomach twisting. he's then brought back to the fact that jin's father was the one who did it that one morning.

"stop," he mumbles to himself helplessly. "you have work to do." jeongguk removes himself from the kitchen and reaches for his backpack, trudging up the stairs with a grudge.

he plants himself on his bed, sighing quietly. he pulls out his english homework with a rough hour of procrastination and finally tries to get some of it done. soon hours pass by and before jeongguk knows it, the sun is setting.

but he still hasn't really gotten anything done.

jeongguk tugs on his disheveled gob of brown hair, whining with pouted lips. it doesn't help that he's been distracted for six hours, waiting impatiently for a text from jimin. of course being who he is, he automatically assumes the worst and that his - the - pretty blond has been hurt. he's staring at his phone religiously until thankfully it dings with a notification from messages.

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