[🍬] Thirty-two

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Jeongguk is trying to focus on his homework, but it's extremely impossible when Jimin is visible through the cracked door leading to the bathroom. He's messing with his golden hair while he's brushing his teeth, leaning partially over the sink.

He's wearing nothing but a pair of panties that are barely visible beneath one of Jeongguk's big, white shirts. The outline of his ass is apparent and as hard as one might try, Jeongguk just can't seem to look away. He doesn't realize that he's drilling his pencil into his paper until is snaps.

Jimin looks back and Jeongguk blushes, dropping his gaze. He can hear the blond approach him from the bathroom and he's caught off guard as his chin is grasped softly. He's forced to look upward and although he should be looking Jimin in his eyes, he's totally entranced on his full lips.

"You're being naughty, Bun." Jimin smiles. His finger trails along Jeongguk's jaw, down his neck and chest. He leans in to nip at the brunette's bottom lip. Jeongguk whines and leans in but Jimin moves back.

Jeongguk's hands wind around Jimin's waist and the boy is pulled onto his lap, straddling his thighs. Their foreheads are together and the brunette traces the faint outline of Jimin's panties through the white shirt. They basically spent the whole night making out as the blond stayed over but even then, Jeongguk just can't seem to get enough.

"You have homework to do." Jimin's fingers card through Jeongguk's hair. He pushes some loose strands behind his ear while he smiles at him, giving them a slight tug.

Jeongguk pouts. "You are my homework."

Jimin raises a brow. "So what? Are you gonna study me or are you gonna do me?" he asks playfully.

Jeongguk scrunches his nose. "I definitely don't need to study your body. I already have it memorized. But I will do you and I'll ace it." Within a few seconds, he's on top of Jimin and the boy is a giggling mess beneath him. His legs wrap around Jeongguk's waist and he pulls him in closer.

Jeongguk's homework is thrown askew on the floor but he doesn't care. He leans down and presses his lips against Jimin's, humming contentedly as the boy reciprocates with much more fervor. His hand begins to bunch the material of Jimin's shirt as his fingers crawl over his bare thigh, resting on his lace panties.

"B-Bun," Jimin stutters meekly as they part for air. His face is flushed red and his bottom lip is being dug into by his white teeth. Jeongguk admires him like this, leaning down to place a chaste kiss on his nose.

"You know I want to." Jeongguk's fingers move through Jimin's hair. They then move down to his eyes and the blond whines softly. "How do you feel about this?" he asks.

"About what?" It comes out as a whisper.

"Not being able to see." Jeongguk runs his tongue over his lips nervously.

Jimin's lips twist into a smile led on by intrigue. "What else does Bun wanna do to me, hm?" he hums.

Jeongguk blushes and he pulls his hand away. He crawls off of Jimin and sits beside him, playing with his fingers. He's embarrassed.

"Wait." Jimin giggles and sits up. He leans over and reaches for Jeongguk's hand, placing it over his eyes once more. "Tell me, Bun. You're curious, right?"

Jeongguk nods his head. The only experience he's ever had is with Jimin. He has seen things - of course he has. He's a hormonal, teenage boy. He's going to do some exploring. It's in his nature. But he doesn't want to go overboard. He doesn't want to hurt Jimin but his careful thoughts crumble immediately.

Because Jimin then moves up to Jeongguk's ear. His lips brush the shell of it while he speaks. "I'm small, Bun. And I like pretty things. But that doesn't mean I don't like it rough."

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