[🍬] five

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no words are spoken during the drive to jimin's house. jeongguk is quiet, occasionally glancing to his right the moment he finds an opportunity.

the pretty blond is staring out the window, toying with his fingers in his lap. jeongguk's eyes happen to fall there and he feels his cheeks heat up at the realization jimin's skirt is ridden much further up his thighs than he's used to.

the cheerleader looks at him and jeongguk coughs, looking away. evidently he's been caught and although jimin doesn't say anything that clearly indicates it, the boy still speaks up.

"...thank you for giving me a ride, um... you don't have to pull up in front of my house, if you don't want to. down the block is fine," he murmurs.

jeongguk is slowly creeping down jimin's street as the cheerleader brings the suggestion up. "it's okay... i don't want you to walk any more than you should," the football player denies quietly with soft pink lingering on his cheeks, gaze kept forward.

jimin can't help but break into a shy smile at jeongguk's chivalry. although he has every reason to be worried, as well. the last time he brought a guy friend over to his house was when he lived in busan. his father started to bombard the poor boy with questions and ultimately ended up exposing jimin's sexuality in the process. although he had feminine clothes in his possession at that point, the only time he ever wore them was when he was by himself in his bedroom. he was still in the closet at that point and it destroyed his reputation. his friends didn't talk to him anymore and he slowly started to lose sight of himself.

not to mention the passing of his mother was also shortly after the fact. his only form of solace and safety. she knew who he really was. she knew what he loved to wear and what his sexual preferences were. she always encouraged him to be himself because he was her baby boy.

well... now all he has is a judgemental poor excuse of a father.

"is it this one right here?" jeongguk asks.

"yeah," jimin replies, thankful that his father's vehicle isn't in the driveway. he must be at work.

the football player slowly rolls up to the curb, placing his car in park. silence ensues admist the soft purring of the vehicle and jeongguk peers over at jimin, finding the boy seemingly lost in his own house of thoughts.

"jimin?" jeongguk says quietly.

the cheerleader shakes his head, looking over at the brunette with parted lips. jeongguk's eyebrows are curved in by a whisper with concern. he probably doesn't even realize how cute he looks right now and jimin can't help but to release a small giggle, stretching his hand out.

jeongguk's cheeks are awash in red as jimin's small finger comes up to rub circles between his brows, triggering his doe eyes to cross. his tummy feels off but in the best way possible as the blond's hand comes down to brush his cheekbone with his thumb.

"if you frown you're going to get wrinkles," he points of benign, eyes still faint half moons.

jeongguk is pulling on his bottom lip, unable to steer his gaze away from the pretty blond's dulcet complexion. it doesn't matter how flustered he is by the mere act or how quickly his heart is racing in his chest. he just can't  look away no matter how hard he tries. it's as if his doe eyes are fixed in one spot and he blinks owlishly.

the cheerleader's hand moves from jeongguk's cheek down the curve of his jaw and the brunette willingly gives jimin all control. the pad of the blond's forefinger hooks below the football player's chin and his head is tilted up softly.

"w-what are you doing?" jeongguk stutters bashfully.

jimin runs his tongue over his lips and shortly drops his hand into his lap. he smiles innocently, tucking some of his hair behind his ear.

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