[🍬] six

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it's friday and although one may typically be ecstatic for the specific day of the week, jeongguk finds himself laying in an anxious puddle on his bed.

he's most likely going to be late for school but he doesn't seem to notice and neither does his mother as she surprisingly hasn't said anything yet.

what the day is going to entail, he isn't exactly sure of. but what he does know is that facing jimin after his embarrassing moment of panic yesterday evening seems absolutely impossible. the way he just left the pretty blond hanging, darting out of his bedroom isn't exactly the smoothest of departures and he never seems to fully execute them, either.

the feel of jimin's gusting breath haunts him as jeongguk's new nickname rings in his ears. is he going to be referred to as 'bun' from now on? it doesn't seem so bad when the blond is the one delivering it but if he gets named so one more time he'll likely crumble to his knees and fail to see the light of day.

he's aware that something like this shouldn't be so strenuous yet he can't really help the fact, either. jeongguk is discovering news things about himself each passing day and unfortunately always in the presence of jimin. not that it's necessarily a bad thing but most of the time he's successfully embarrassed himself amidst the new revelations.

the boy is torn from his thoughts the moment knocking is heard on his door.

"jeongguk, bear, are you doing okay? school starts in fifteen minutes and i haven't seen you once this morning," she projects quietly.

the football player sits up, looking at the time on his phone. on any other day he'd be worried for showing up late but as of right now he couldn't seem to care less.

"i'm okay, mumma. sorry, i'll be down in a second. i just need to get dressed," he replies with a louder octave, shuffling through his drawers.

"that's okay, koo bear. you should have enough time to grab some fruit before you leave. i have to go, though, okay? i'll see you later tonight after work. i love you," she reminds him.

"i love you too. see you later," jeongguk replies.

he can hear her heels click away and eventually the front door closes. the teenager scrambles to switch out his clothes and once victorious he grabs his bag and slips on some sneakers, making his way downstairs. just like his mother had said there's a fresh bowl of fruit and so he grabs some pieces before he too leaves and makes his way to school by car.

by the time he walks through the front doors, the first bell rings and students are making their way to their first block classes. his pace quickens as he approaches his locker. he grabs his things and heads to his first class.


eventually the first half of the day goes by and most of the football players are sitting in the cafeteria during lunch, as boisterous as ever. taehyung is going off about how he hasn't slept with a girl in too long and namjoon is indulgent, nodding his head and humming when he sees fit. the other team members are just as rowdy in their conversation but jeongguk is quiet.

he's staring at the empty spot in front of him, not having had packed himself a lunch as he left late and didn't really prepare anything. his mother typically does but she seemed rather eager to leave for some reason.

"gguk, you okay?" namjoon asks from his left.

jeongguk peers up at him, smiling softly. "okay. just didn't pack anything. hungry," he replies simply.

namjoon hums, shuffling through his lunch kit. "here. half of my sandwich. we have practice today you can't go on an empty stomach," he offers kindly.

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