[🍬] seven

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"...you ran after me?" jimin reiterates.

"yeah... uh, i just thought that you would need help... and you did, right? you were sitting in the gravel crying and your skirt was getting dirty... i didn't like that," jeongguk murmurs as he reaches down for a small flower and plucks it from the ground, twisting it innocently in his fingers while staring at it.

jimin is smiling, shaking his head softly while staring at his lap. jeongguk doesn't realize how obvious he's being. his naivete is surely there and his own worst enemy as he continuously opens his mouth and says things that contradict himself without knowledge.

"...oh, and jimin?" the brunette pipes up, lips parted cutely and eyes wide in curiosity.

"yeah?" the smaller boy replies, looking at the football player - glad that his tan skin is slowly coming back.

jeongguk is rubbing at his nape - hesitance clear as day. "b-bun... why are you calling me bun?" he inquires with faintly pouted lips.

jimin releases a small giggle. his eyes tunnel to the flower in jeongguk's fingers and he grabs it. the brunette is puzzled yet doesn't say anything and allows the cheerleader to situate the daisy behind his ear.

"i just think that it's pretty cute. oh and have you seen yourself smile? you're just a lil' bunny boy," the blond explains passionately.

jeongguk's shyness is triggered, but it doesn't exactly come as a surprise. but this time he's biting back a shy smile, hiding his face in his hands. he can feel the flower sitting snug behind his ear. does he really look like a bunny in certain aspects? he finds it hard to believe but he trusts jimin's judgement more than he trusts his own.

"do you think i kind of act like one, too?" jeongguk pitches and jimin is unsure of what to expect as the football player stands from the bench.

much to the blond's surprise, jeongguk begins to hop around like a bunny. his hands are situated in front of his chest, curled as he bounces in circles just in front of the cheerleader.

jimin is struggling to keep himself on the bench as he's letting out hearty laughter. in the midst of his giggles reside tiny squeaks canny in resemblance to that of a mouse. he's doubling over and his eyes are waning moons. his bum is now just barley on solid surface and soon he falls forward, rolling in the grass.

at this rate jeongguk is satisfied with jimin's reaction. his energy dwindles and his laughter dies down as he too gives himself to the grass, laying adjacent to the blond. however their heads are right next to one another and a peaceful silence floats in the air shortly after their fits of contagious laughter end.

"i will admit, i wasn't expect that," jimin starts and sighs contentedly afterward with a serene smile.

jeongguk's nose scrunches and his hands wander the grass beneath him. "i don't think i was expecting it either. one thing led to another and the next thing i know i'm wiggling my butt in the air as if i have a cute cotton tail," he replies breathily.

another small tangle of giggles is heard from jimin. the brunette turns his head and the cheerleader is much closer to him than he thought. to make matters even more interesting jimin too turns his head and their noses brush.

it's a heart rush jeongguk has never experienced before. they were close in the bedroom but there's something so different about being on an open field, just the two of them beneath a beautiful sea of blue and white. the clouds are shifting in the sky with ease and the leaves are rattling in the trees as they battle against the gentle breeze.

and even despite the subtle chill, jeongguk's face heats up. they're staring into each other's eyes - both with a clear plethora of emotions. the brunette swallows roughly as jimin most definitely notices the way his doe eyes flit to the cheerleader's lips. the confusion yet longing creating the almost unreadable expression on jeongguk's face is painfully obvious.

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