[🍬] Twenty-seven

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"You get to stay?" Jeongguk's brown hair bounces on his head while the question leaves his mouth.

Jimin chuckles. "I get to stay."

There is zero hesitation in the cafeteria as Jeongguk dives nose first into Jimin's neck, hugging him close. He smells exactly like home.

"That's good." Yoongi's button nose scrunches. "Otherwise I would probably move back, too."

Taehyung's melanin veers pallid at such a simple yet terrifying statement. His eyes expand and his mouth drops open. Yoongi glances at him and upon this reaction, his complexion flushes pink.

Jeongguk has been thinking for awhile now that Taehyung possibly feels something for the small mint haired boy. Even though the thought isn't at the forefront of his mind, it remains as an echo in the back each moment he spots the both of them together. Which has definitely been more frequently. But for some reason, the idea of Taehyung liking boys is odd. Jeongguk is just always so used to seeing him parade around with girls. Maybe he likes both? Maybe it's platonic and he's just overthinking.

"Okay, this is ridiculous." Jimin is dramatic as ever, leaning against one of his hands. His eyes trail slowly to and from both Taehyung and Yoongi. They're like languid saucers, building up tension.

"What?" Taehyung mutters. His long fingers find a soft piece of his own hair and he plays with it.

Jimin turns to Jeongguk. "Should I say it?"

It doesn't seem much of a question, the way Jimin's tone remains bold. He's clearly going to break the ice whether or not but just for further measure, Jeongguk nods his head. To be fair, he is also quite frustrated to witness such pitiful pining.

"Okay." Jimin clears his throat. He presses his chin against both of his fists and his eyes sharpen. Yoongi and Taehyung's complexions fall - they look like guilty felons. Jeongguk is stifling his laughter, staring at his thighs.

"What's going on? Why are you laughing?" It's strange to see Taehyung like this. With pouted lips and raining sulk.

Jeongguk looks up but he doesn't say anything because Jimin continues to take the reigns.

"You guys like each other. I'm sorry, I know it's none of my business but it's just like... so hard to watch." Jimin falls into Jeongguk's side, smoothing his fingers over his cheeks, pulling them down.

Yoongi peers after Taehyung at these words, pushing some of his own fringe to the side with his forefinger. He then pulls his sleeves over his hands. "Is it true?" he asks.

Taehyung's words are clearly caught in his throat. Rather than answering Yoongi's question, he hunches over and places his face in his hands. He's like this for awhile until Yoongi leans over, leaving a chaste kiss against the crown of his head.

Jeongguk's smile is big, and in fact the biggest it's been in awhile. Taehyung finally comes out from behind his hands and he's red. Jimin is giggling and it's like music to his ears, the perfect remedy on bad days.

But somebody is missing, and that person just so happens to be staring at him from afar.

Jeongguk manages to catch Namjoon's eyes for a split second and then he's vanishing out the school doors. It's odd of him to be avoiding him like this. They were always so close, all three of them. But now Namjoon seems distant.

"Bun, you okay?" Jimin asks.

Jeongguk faces the blond headed boy. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just give me a minute, I'll be right back." And off he goes down the hall, away from the cafeteria and unaware of the strange look Jimin is giving him.

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