[🍬] Thirty-six [FINALE]

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(A/N): Jimin has been wearing skirts the entire fic so I don't know why him wearing a dress would make anyone uncomfortable but if it does, just picture him wearing something else. :)

Jeongguk can physically feel his soul leave his body the second his alarm goes off. He scrambles to sit upright and turns it off, collapsing against the mattress. He's staring at the ceiling while his chest undulates. It's been a few weeks now since they've won the championships. He can still feel the adrenaline while mulling his touchdown over, and the fact that he's been granted a scholarship. But there's something else egging on his rippling pulse.

Today is homecoming.

Now Jeongguk has never attended any dances in all of his years of high school - well, maybe at least one. Just to prove he liked girls, but that was clearly before his mother and his friends knew about his sexual preference. With this being said, Jeongguk worries about how his night with Jimin will pan out. They've already chosen their outfits separately, but agreed to colour coordinate in baby blue. He can still remember how Jimin broke down in tears when he asked him to go with him. The cutest thing ever.


Jeongguk doesn't understand why he's so nervous. It's a simple question, but he feels as though he's spinning on the precipice. His hands clam up and his bottom lip grows sensitive as he's kept at biting down on it gently. It's a poor distraction and it begins to lose it's efficacy. He wasn't even this stirred up, asking Jimin to be his boyfriend. It's silly.

"Jeongguk?" Said male peers up to find Taehyung looking at him, hands stuffed into his front pockets. "Is something wrong?"

Jeongguk scrunches his nose and finally releases his bottom lip. He exhales. "I'm about to ask Jimin to homecoming and I'm nervous as hell," he admits.

Taehyung chuckles. "Why are you so nervous? You guys are in a relationship. Should be a no-brainer. I've already asked Yoongi and he said yes." The boy leans against the lockers.

"I know, I don't know what it is. He's just so perfect and cute and confident and pretty and perfect-"

Jeongguk is quieted by fingers curling over his shoulders. He blinks at Taehyung with big eyes.

"You need to suck it up and go over there right now. Look, he's sitting by himself in the library. This is the perfect opportunity." Taehyung looks after the library doors and Jeongguk's eyes follow.

Jimin's pretty lips are puckered and his blond hair is falling in front of his eyes. He's twiddling a pencil in between his forefinger and thumb while he looks down at his paper, seemingly thinking over an answer to a question. Even when he isn't trying, he's just the absolute cutest thing. Jeongguk's heart flutters as soon as Jimin looks up, breaking into a cute grin. The smaller boy beckons him over with a curled finger.

"Go get em', Gguk." Taehyung smiles.

Jeongguk nods his head quickly with pretty flushed cheeks, making his way toward the library. He walks through the parted doors, subconsciously nibbling on his thumb while making way toward Jimin's table. Unexpectedly, his collar is gripped and he's pulled in for a kiss. His eyes flutter and his shirt is released. They pull apart and the blond's face flushes a further shade of red.

"Hey, cutie," Jimin says sweetly.

Jeongguk smiles shyly, standing dumbly. He's playing with his fingers while he watches his thumbs circle each other. "Can I ask you something, Baby?"

Jimin perks up and drops his pencil. He nods his head. "You can ask me anything, Bun."

The brunette's chest puffs out a little as he gathers his courage. His brows furrow softly and he mumbles very quietly. "Would you maybe go to homecoming with me?"

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