[🍬] twelve

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it's early saturday morning now and jeongguk finds himself nowhere other than the safety of his bed, staring up at the ceiling as last night's events consume his addled mind.

he lets out an exaggerated sigh and throws his blankets off of his bed. he turns onto his side and places his hands under the side of his face, pouting heavily with a defined frown. he glares at the bathroom door and slowly pulls on his lower lip.

it seems like each time they see each other they do a little more than they probably should and jeongguk is still trying to map out what that means for him exactly. it's a painful process and quite honestly with today being the start of his days off, he'd rather not be stuck in his bedroom, thinking.

the brunette sits up and throws his legs over the side of his bed, ruffling his hair. typically him and his mom would go out and do something as she has every other weekend off but he doesn't even remember hearing her come home last night.

jeongguk stands to his feet and stretches his arms into the air, shirt riding up his side. he sighs quietly and slots his feet into his slippers before he exits his bedroom and descends the staircase.

he finds that the kitchen is empty and so is the living room. her shoes aren't at the front door either which heightens the anxiety prickling at his skin. jeongguk decides to travel through the corridor toward her bedroom.

he knocks softly and the moment he doesn't get an answer he pushes the door open, relieved to find her passed out on her bed. she's still dressed and her shoes are still on her feet.

jeongguk walks toward her sleeping figure quietly and slips her heels off of her feet, placing them on the floor. he then tucks some of her hair behind her ear daintily, watching as her eyes flutter open.

"ggukkie?" she voices and there's a slight rasp to her voice as she blinks, orienting herself.

"hi, momma. are you doing okay?" jeongguk asks and brushes his thumb along her cheek.

myung-hee smiles up at him and grabs some of his curls in her hand, twirling them around her finger. "i'm doing okay, baby. i just had a long night at work, that's all," she replies.

jeongguk frowns at this, sinking into his mother's touch. he hates that despite how close they are, they're somehow just as distant. they both love each other dearly but hardly have any free time to spend together. and the fact that he's hiding jimin from her doesn't make matters any better. she deserves to know the truth but he can tell that's she's stressed even though she tries to hide it. she doesn't deserve anymore weight on her shoulders.

"...can i take you out to breakfast, momma bear? my treat," he offers sweetly and his mother coos at him.

"you don't have to do that for me, baby. i should be the one taking care of you. not the other way around," she states.

jeongguk runs his tongue over his lips and sits down on the bed. he reaches for her hands and pulls them into his lap so he can play with her fingers. "we take care of each other, okay? that's what a good son does."

his mother exhales softly and sits up against the headboard, smiling at her boy. "you're the best son, jeongguk. i couldn't have raised you any better. i've done all that i can for you. you know that, right? you deserve to be happy. you deserve to grow old with the one you love. i won't let you turn out the way i did," she states solemnly, squeezing her son's hands in his own.

jeongguk is at a loss for words. he pulls his mother into his embrace and wraps his arms around her back, pulling her close. he perches his chin on her shoulder and myung-hee does just the same. it's a silence they both find comfort in as they hold each other and mold into one another's frame.

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