[🍬] Twenty-five

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Jeongguk hasn't left Jimin's side the whole night, leading up to the crack of dusk. They've both stayed awake, talking and kissing, touching and giggling despite the blond having to leave now just within the next couple of days. It's bittersweet.

"You can sleep, Bun... don't stay awake because of me," Jimin says quietly, running his finger beneath one of Jeongguk's eyes.

Jeongguk shakes his head. "I'm not sleeping..." he denies softly, curling his fingers around the hand pressed against his cheek.

Both boys are looking into each other's eyes, positively close in the midst of the odds trying to separate them. Jeongguk leans in and brushes his lips against Jimin's, leaning in fully to connect them.

Jeongguk isn't doing this to say goodbye. He's doing this to savour the taste of his boy, to keep him close. He's not ready to let go.

The sound of the front door closing impels them to pull apart. Jeongguk is drowning in the soft, drowned out honey in Jimin's eyes. The lights are still off and yet his prepossessing, dulcet complexion is illuminated by the salt lamp alight just some feet away.

Jeongguk knows that Jimin is beautiful - has the very moment he laid his eyes on him. But as they lay here in silence, mesmerized by the mellow thrumming of their own hearts, he realizes that he has never seen or met anybody just as pretty.

"I really don't know how I got so lucky..." Jeongguk sighs.

Jimin's lips curl into a smile. "What do you mean?" he asks.

The brunette swipes his tongue over his lips, laying supine. He puts his hands beneath his head and stares up at the ceiling. "Everything about you is perfect," he starts, humming quietly in thought. "I can't seem to get over your smile or your moon shaped eyes. You're so gentle with me... with everyone. You're not only pretty on the outside but on the inside, too."

Jimin's smile veers into a sad frown. He grips Jeongguk's jaw with feather-light pressure, aligning their faces. "I may be gentle with everyone, Jeongguk, but just know that you're special to me. I treat no one else the same way I treat you," the blond affirms, running his thumb over the football player's bottom lip.

Jeongguk lets out a shaky breath, eyes glossing over. He can hear his mother's footsteps climbing the stairs but he doesn't care. All that matters right now is him and Jimin together, in this moment.

There's no knock on the door because whenever Myung-hee comes home, she expects her son to be sleeping. She peeps into the room and her initial reaction is widened eyes. Not to the point she makes a scene, however her presence is clearly noticed.

"I'm sorry-"

"It's okay," Jeongguk says quietly, sitting up in his bed. He peers over at Jimin and the blond does just the same.

"We should tell her," Jimin whispers, smiling faintly.

Jeongguk curls his lips in, staring at his fingers. He knows that Jimin is right and he agrees that they should tell her. Even he wants to. But it hurts just thinking about it and coming to terms with the fact is even harder. He finally nods his head.

"We can explain, momma. Wanna sit?" Jeongguk murmurs once he looks up, blush light on his cheeks.

Myung-hee is clearly hesitant to intrude however seeing as she's being invited in for an explanation, she nods her head and enters, taking a seat on the foot of the bed.

Jeongguk and Jimin look at each other once more, intertwining their fingers. They then both look up at Myung-hee.

"...Jimin's dad wants them to move back to Busan very soon," Jeongguk mumbles, the words feeling caustic as they leave his mouth.

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