[🍬] ten

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jeongguk's heart is thumping in his chest as he plays with the blond's skirt in his shaking hand. jimin's fingers are still secured around his neck and the boy's painfully pretty lips are still ghosting his ear, furthering the goosbumps pluming on his body.

"j-jimin," jeongguk breathes quietly with a quivering voice.

"...it's alright, bun. you don't have to hide who you are around me. you can be yourself," the cheerleader murmurs.

jeongguk swallows thickly. ironic how he has jimin pinned against the wall yet he's the one unable to move. it just goes to show how much power the pretty blond holds over him.

"w-what do you m-mean?" he stutters abashedly and very soon is met with jimin's sweet face as the boy's waning eyes sweep over his own.

"bun... you like me, right? you like boys?" jimin questions softly, his hand coming up to brush jeongguk's cheek.

any word of denial jeongguk chooses dies down his throat before he can speak it. his eyes flutter closed and his head tilts into jimin's warm palm of it's own accord. the tremble in his hands quell as his fingers curl into the cheerleader's yellow skirt.

he wants to debunk jimin's accusations but it just isn't possible. he's being hypnotized by the boy's pendulum like eyes as his irises flit to and from each of his own. they're distracting and he finds himself getting lost in them the moment he opens his own, running his tongue over his lips.

jimin's voice is so dulcet, so calming as his sweet nothings ease right into jeongguk's ears with impossible perfection. his otherwise playful, cherubic tone is shifted into something knowing, curbing the typical insistence of negativy often swarming his thoughts. the small blond picks the most apt of words as he draws his fingertips into jeongguk's nape, thwarting his anxious tendencies.

"i-i wanna say n-no but i can't," jeongguk finally says and his eyes are glossing over in fear.

fear of the circumstances. fear of giving in and allowing his true emotions to surface on a ground so judgemental and scary. jeongguk doesn't wanna care what people will say - what his friends and mother will say. he isn't ashamed of who he's come to be but rather petrified of the repercussions. he doesn't want those close to him to leave. he's heard stories of such happening to other people and his heart broke for them.

"you don't have to say anything, bun... you know your limits. don't force yourself to pass them before you need to, okay?" jimin whispers and smiles softly.

jeongguk nods his head and very much so allows his entirety to be draped over by jimin's small arms. his hand leaves the boy's skirt and settles on his lower back. the brunette's face lands in the cook of the cheerleader's neck as he forces himself to shrink in size, needing to be held.

jimin starts to rub soothing circles into his back, hugging as much of jeongguk as he possibly can while residing on the very tips of his white sneakers.

the brunette is breathing heavily into jimin's sweet neck, parted lips brushing his unmared, sweet smelling skin. it kindles something deep within him. a longing he's grown familiar with. a longing to kiss the blond's smooth flesh.

jeongguk's heart begins to crescendo once again as his other hand joins jimin's waist. the puffs of air that leave his system are hot and thick. he can feel the blond sinking deeper into his frame and a tiny, encouraging whine spills from his mouth the moment jeongguk presses an open mouthed kiss on his neck.

"j-jeongguk," jimin breathes quietly with pleasure.

the brunette pulls his lips away and continues to ghost them against the column of the blond's neck, a perfect, pretty canvas. he realizes he's beginning to push himself into jimin's body and starts to panic the moment he catches himself getting carried away.

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